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Mediasite Pilot Supplemental Request to UTFAB

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1 Mediasite Pilot Supplemental Request to UTFAB
November 10, 2009 Sally Hibbitt, Morgan Library

2 What is Mediasite? Captures Audio, Video and Visuals
Server software keeps all 3 sources synchronized 11/10/09

3 Accessing Files Delivery – streaming media files from central server
On demand Anytime you want to watch Anywhere (as long as connected to Internet) Requirements Windows Media player for Windows computers Silverlight for Macs 11/10/09

4 Samples LFRE 400/500 d=558f41d5851c4ccc91ef0237ddf95dfc MECH 530 d=154ce5baeb3347e5bdb2a761e25431a8 11/10/09

5 UTFAB Funding Year 1: $58,952 Technology to equip 2 classrooms
Part-time staff to support pilot Year 2: $7,460 (supplemental) Maintenance contract renewals for 2 recorders 11/10/09

6 Courses Recordings Year 1: 12 courses CIVE 516, 520, 522
MECH 411, 431, 530 SPCM fall section, 3 spring sections SPCM 346 CS 575/GS 511 11/10/09

7 Courses Recordings Year 2: 13 courses CIVE 516, 520, 522 MECH 431
BIOM/MECH 532, 573 CS 475, 575 ENGR 510 STAT 511, 512 SOC 461 ERHS 570 11/10/09

8 Courses Recordings Year 3 (fall semester): 7 Courses CIVE 520
CS 475, 545 GRAD 592 MATH 510 MECH 431 STAT 511 11/10/09

9 What Have We Learned? Adoption in Resident Instruction courses primarily for special purposes Guest lectures/special seminars Student presentations Experimentation with technology Highest adoption in courses that also have Distance Education component 11/10/09

10 Year 3 Request to UTFAB Mediasite recorder maintenance renewal
$3, $3,705 (Division of Continuing Education will match $3,705 and cover maintenance cost of other recorder.) 11/10/09

11 Thank you for your time. Questions?

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