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Community Wellbeing What you said you wanted accomplished

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Presentation on theme: "Community Wellbeing What you said you wanted accomplished"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Wellbeing What you said you wanted accomplished
Report on accomplishments Enhance collaborative efforts to address health and wellness Food Waste and Healthy Eating project with Dufferin County - a survey was recently conducted with over 400 Dufferin residents. Focus groups will be taking place in the next two weeks. DuCK and its action groups continue to connect organizations across Dufferin County with the common goal of helping children and youth to achieve their full potential. This year DuCK has seen active involvement from 20 local and provincial organizations across various sectors. Share sector specific data that will assist agencies in planning WDG Report Cards on the Well-Being of Children Coalition - currently updating the information available through its data portal to reflect the most data. The most recent iteration of WDG Youth Survey was implemented this school year. This has been the largest cohort of Grade 7 and 10 students captured by this survey to date. In addition, the survey has been expanded to include Grade 4 students Food waste project – partnership with Dufferin County Waste Management services. This project will reduce household food waste and enhance food literacy in the community.

2 Community Wellbeing What you said you wanted accomplished
Report on accomplishments Create plans to increase health and wellness by working with local agencies The Mental Health Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention Action Group of DuCK has gathered 14 organization to design a mental health literacy and substance misuse prevention program from Grade 7 students. They have chosen to adapt an existing evidence-based program called Stress Lessons. Implementation of the program is planned for Fall 2018, pending ethics approvals. CHATT/Dufferin Trails Council is in the development phase of a cycling route project to improve physical health & knowledge of local cycling routes for residents and tourists. Market health and wellness initiatives across the County The Parental Supports and Developmental Awareness Action Group of DuCK has adapted an evidence-based parenting messaging program. This program is called Dufferin Basics. The group recently created a website for this initiative and is planning to launch a formative evaluation of the program this summer Food waste project – partnership with Dufferin County Waste Management services. This project will reduce household food waste and enhance food literacy in the community.

3 Community Wellbeing What you said you wanted accomplished
Report on accomplishments Advocate for access and affordable recreation programs Currently collecting information about what each agency within the Access to Recreation working group does to promote access and affordable recreation programs. Tentative plans to reach out to other community partners within Dufferin County and host an information exchange session regarding efforts to promote access and affordable recreation programs. Provide venue for the sharing of health and wellness initiatives DC Moves has provided a forum for sharing health and wellness initiatives. At the February DC Moves Forum, Public Health led a consultation with the group aimed at enhancing the WDG Childhood Experiences and Health Outcomes Survey and tailoring it to local needs. With that input and consultation with other community partners, a final draft of this survey has been completed. Food waste project – partnership with Dufferin County Waste Management services. This project will reduce household food waste and enhance food literacy in the community.

4 Resource Sharing What you said you wanted accomplished
Report on accomplishments A shared and well communicated agency priority list of needed resources Backoffice Supports: Established partnership with HFH ‘Move It On’; regular section in ‘What’s on the Move’ ‘Move It On’ added to the DCMoves website Several organizations have used this service (DCFS, FTP, County of Dufferin) Creation of a repository of available assets or other resources considered surplus by local agencies Coordination of training and professional development Training & Development: Volunteer Dufferin free Management library link on DCMoves website SafeTalk/AfterWhy sponsorship International Overdose Awareness Day (CMHA, Public Health)

5 Resource Sharing What you said you wanted accomplished
Report on accomplishments Establish sub-committee to investigate community foundation ( with HCIA) Funding Services: Dufferin Community Foundation incorporated Presented at our DCMoves February Forum at Public Health Unit Peter Kenyon (June 2017), hosted by HCIA and the Rural Ontario Institute Coordinate and arrange cross training in the following areas: poverty; diversity/social inclusion; change management; board recruitment/volunteer management; addictions/mental health; strategic planning Bridges Out of Poverty training program Community Poverty Reduction Summit Free Management library (on Volunteer Dufferin website)

6 Poverty Reduction Report on accomplishments
What you said you wanted accomplished Report on accomplishments Coordinate collectively on all poverty reduction efforts Establishment of the DCPRTF ISRR consultation response to the Province Community Poverty Reduction Summit Feb Create a poverty champion and emphasize the importance of poverty awareness John Oosterhof led presentations on poverty awareness at Municipal Councils leading up to and following the Community Poverty Summit Address housing and homelessness issues Housing allowance expanded thru County Community Services to include FTP and Choices Youth Shelter DCPRTF Task Team established – priorities identified

7 Poverty Reduction What you said you wanted accomplished
Report on accomplishments Promote aging in place for seniors in efforts to address access to, and affordability of, other service / programs DPRTF Task Team established – priorities identified Address precarious employment and advocate for living wage employers in Dufferin County DCPRTF Task Team established connecting with Dufferin Workforce Planning Advocate for affordable childcare and the increase of childcare spaces Review access to services and the need to integrate and modernize approaches to service delivery DCCS Modernisation – social media- changing hours of operation

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