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Do Now: Solve the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Solve the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Solve the following:
g(x) = 2x2 – f(x) = 4x – h(x) = 3 – 5x

2 We’ve been working with functions but what are they??
What is a Function?? We’ve been working with functions but what are they??

3 First….Relations A relation is information that can be represented by a set of ordered pairs (Room 615, Ms. Taylor’s Math Class) (Room 617, Mrs. Sawyer’s Math Class) (Room 628, Mr. Green’s Math Class)

4 Remember… A relation can have forms other than a coordinate pair:
Mapping Table Graph

5 Functions A function is a relation in which each input (domain/x-value) is paired with exactly one output (range/y-value)

6 Think of your output number as a mailbox.
A function is a relation in which each input (range/y-value) is paired with exactly one output (domain/x-value) To help remember & understand the definition: Think of your input number as a letter. Think of your output number as a mailbox.

7 A function is a relation in which each input (range/y-value)
is paired with exactly one output (domain/x-value) Input number Output number Can you have one letter going to two different mail boxes? Not a FUNCTION

8 A function is a relation in which each input (range/y-value)
is paired with exactly one output (domain/x-value) Input number Output number Can you have two different letters going to one mail box?

9 So Basically… If there is more than one of the same numbers in the domain….not a function!! CONNOT REPEAT THE X-VALUE However, we can have more than one of the same y-value

10 Is this a function? x y Yes, it is a Function 1 2 3 4 x y 5 6 7 5 6 7

11 Is this a Function? Not a Function x y x y 5 6 1 7 1 6 1 2 5 6 7

12 Is this a Function? Not a function x y 5 6 8 11 1 2 3 x y 5 6 11 8





17 Class Work Worksheet The answers are posted on the board!
When done get out your Math Weekly #6 and work on it. If you finished it, have Ms. Taylor check it and help others…DO NOT LET THEM COPY, I WILL RIP YOUS AND THEIRS UP!

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