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NT Applications Support – Status and Future Developments

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1 NT Applications Support – Status and Future Developments
Christian Trachimow, DESY 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

2 The DESY WindowsNT Group
The Product NetInstall 4.2 / 5 from InstallShield / NetSupport more than 500,000 clients in Germany cooperation with InstallShield for worldwide distribution price: $18 / client Technical highlights “Software on demand”: This feature provides a synchronization between user part and workstation part. If a user launches an application for the first time, NetInstall checks, which part is missing and installs it “Local security management”: All commands which needs administrative privileges are executed through a service without splitting installation script 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

3 Classification of Support
The Fully Controlled PC positioned for task oriented user Centrally installed, configured, maintained and managed Full responsibility for the PCs The User Configurable PC positioned for sophisticated user Centrally installed, locally configured and maintained Partial responsibility: availability of services, applications, etc. The non-maintained PC if you think you need it, OK, but abide by the rules no responsibility taken at all, “good NT-keeping” rules enforced 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

4 The DESY WindowsNT Group
The Yellow PC User can be local administrator PC is managed by user or group administrator User can install all programs at his owns risk NetInstall is just a AddOn Service Basic Setup can be installed on every PC installed applications are not affected setup takes minutes Application Service with NetInstall Install and uninstall whatever you want During installation the user is asked for a local path When applications have to be updated the user is asked at logon if the update should be installed right now, at next logon or never shared responsibility 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

5 The DESY WindowsNT Group
The Green PC User is not allowed to be local administrator only group administrators or domain admins are in administrators group Basic setup has to be installed on plain PC local security restrictions to OS (parts from the ZAK) User can only install applications, which don´t override existing files some tools cannot be used, e.g. regedit, Service Manager, ... Application Service with NetInstall Some applications are preinstalled Install / uninstall with interactive installer whatever you want every installation restricts the file access to the files which are installed Updates are done automatically at logon, but user can delegate it to next logon group admins or central services are fully responsible 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

6 The DESY WindowsNT Group
Status The use of NetInstall Number of PCs Red NetInstall PCs Green 18 % Yellow 82 % Total Number Green PC Hera controls (50), administration (80), other people (70) 3 NetInstall databases with 50 packages Hamburg / Zeuthen / Hera Controls 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

7 The DESY WindowsNT Group
Support Yellow PC precondition: trust between users and service providers user has control about updates (!!!) application support is an AddOn service widely accepted service Green PC centrally supported no trust to the user (but to group administrator) only accepted by some groups important for public PCs 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

8 Psychological Aspects
What PC users said (and still say) “This is my PC !” / “I need full control !” / “I need this application now!” / “You have to support me !” PC is a universal tool that has a voice on the daily work The key of success and the challenge was to loose the users distrust in central services ... accusation: domination / dictate ... and to establish a group administrators structure They are the natural speakers of their groups They focus the needs of their users Help us to keep users under controls / educate their users 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

9 The Role of Central Services
Democratization of the Desktop The user has become more powerful and more independent than before the arrival of the PC. This must actually be seen as a good thing! Service Provider Central Services have to offer the user community services that it needs and that it wants to use. The services must be “sold” to the community. Primus inter Pares Central Services will remain an important service provider, but it will not remain the only one, or, for a given user, the most important one. The focus should be on services that a computing center excells in naturally. Cooperative Computing Rules, service designs and implementations have to be defined in close cooperation with the user groups. An important role in future will be as facilitator of services between local groups and as information broker. 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

10 Building Application Packages
Easy installation of local packages 1. Scan PC configuration 2. Install and configure application 3. Scan PC configuration again 4. Test the script Green PC find out which files and directories need write access Shared installations separate read only from write data, reengineer application Do we need shared applications and Green PCs ? NetInstall script amount of time 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

11 Building Application Packages (cont.)
Configuring application Needs expertise of application Maintaining applications problem: how to migrate user settings between different versions Problems with special applications IE4: setup is dynamic, more a operating system upgrade than an application Office 2000: Installation with Windows Installer provides new functionality (installation on demand, auto check, ...). This functionality is lost when using a “static” NetInstall script. 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

12 Migration to NetInstall V5
Problems with NetInstall 4 synchronization between 3 sites / databases replication of packages between 3 sites test / production database are separated setups laptop support NetInstall 5 features Multi-Database Multi-Server support which includes Load balancing / fail over Replications 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

13 NetInstall 5 Site Structure
ORG - DESY OU - DESY Hamburg SITE - backoffice SERVER A SERVER B OU - DESY Zeuthen SERVER C 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

14 The DESY WindowsNT Group
NetInstall 5 at DESY NetInstall 5 is used by “Hera Controls” Each packages had to be migrated Two servers hold packages for redunancy Clients are migrated automatically Migration of packages and databases in Hamburg and Zeuthen will start in October Add features to standard behaviour Every package builder gets own database Laptop support 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

15 Application Support in the future - based on Windows Installer ?
Package contains information to install/uninstall an application consists of .msi file and some source files / cabinet files .msi consists of Installation database Summary information stream Data stream Packages organized around features and components Feature: Component: 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

16 Windows Installer Features
Installation mechanism Installer (service) is instructed to install a feature Installer queries database to generate installation script Installation can be performed by a process with elevated privileges Rollback: during installation a rollback script is generated Advertisement Assigning application appears to the user (shortcut) Publishing Application appears to other application (published to shell: installed by file accociation / MIME association) 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

17 Windows Installer Features
Installation on demand User can call functionality in abscence of the files itself Resiliency Idea: recover gracefully from broken components But: a set of API functions which has to be implemented by software  will be used only for vital components Customization databases can be merged or transformed Will be used for patches / customization  database contains a state description of the application 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

18 Example: Registry tables
11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

19 Installing application with W2000
Applications will come with a description of the installation state (.msi database) Less intallation problems / less inconsistencies repackageing or reengeneering is not needed Software management will be package oriented Local as well as shared installations can be mixed It will take time until the spirit of the Logo program reaches the programmers ( „Local security management“ / „Software on demand“) During the next two years most software will come with „good“ databases  Installation process itself and the consistency become less important 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

20 The DESY WindowsNT Group
Software distribution Additional tool to is needed for Configure / maintain versions !!! Pakete erstellen, die kein .msi mitbringen Anpassen Patches Migration / Pflege der Usereinstellungen Policy based management not clear Depends on the programs Green PC is dead / Nice concept is dead Think of functionality (define collections ...) More degrees of freedom: many features are availabe/ shared vs local / on demand vbs preinstalled 11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

21 The DESY WindowsNT Group
11/30/2018 The DESY WindowsNT Group

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