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March 2018 802.15 Supporting Material and Motions for the Closing EC Meeting March 9, 2018 Hyatt Regency O’Hare Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance.

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Presentation on theme: "March 2018 802.15 Supporting Material and Motions for the Closing EC Meeting March 9, 2018 Hyatt Regency O’Hare Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 2018 Supporting Material and Motions for the Closing EC Meeting March 9, Hyatt Regency O’Hare Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

2 March 2018 w, x, y, and z PARs to NesCom Most all of the comments were either accepted as is or slightly modified where the same comment had been received from more than one Group/ Individual Comment Resolutions are contained in _ Responses to Rcvd PAR and CSD comments Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

3 March 2018 w PAR to NesCom Motion: Approve forwarding w LPWA Amendment PAR documentation, in w-par-draft, to NesCom Approve CSD documentation in lpwa-csd-for w-lpwan-phy (WG ) Moved: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

4 March 2018 x PAR to NesCom Motion: Approve forwarding x FAN Extension Amendment PAR documentation in x-par-draft-mb to NesCom Approve CSD documentation in fane-proposed-fane-csd (WG ) Moved: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

5 March 2018 y PAR to NesCom Motion: Approve forwarding y Security Next Gen Amendment PAR documentation, in secn-draft-par-for-4y, to NesCom Approve CSD [modification] documentation in secn-draft-csd-for-4y (WG ) Moved: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

6 March 2018 z PAR to NesCom Motion: Approve forwarding the z Enhanced Impulse Radio Amendment PAR documentation, in elr z-elr-par-draft, to NesCom Approve CSD documentation in draft-csd-154z-elr (WG ) Moved: Heile Second: Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

7 802.15.7 Revision 1 to Sponsor Ballot (conditional)
March 2018 Revision 1 to Sponsor Ballot (conditional) Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

8 802.15.7 Rev1 Letter Ballot History
March 2018 Rev1 Letter Ballot History Initial Letter Ballot (LB147) Opened: November 30, 2017, Closed: January 9, 2018 Vote results (pool of 66 voters) 43 responses (66% response ratio) 43 yes, 5 no (85.71% approval ratio) 8 abstain (18.6%) 313 comments from 10 commenters 262 marked as MBS (Accepted: 203,Rejected: 59) Comment resolution database worksheet: Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

9 802.15.7 Rev1 Letter Ballot History
March 2018 Rev1 Letter Ballot History Letter Ballot Recirc 1: (LB148) Opened: 06-Feb-2018 Closed: 21-Feb-2018 Vote results (pool of 66 voters) 49 responses (75.38% response ratio) 37 yes, 4 no (90.24% approval ratio) 8 abstain (16.33%) 280 comments from 7 commenter 254 marked as MBS (Accepted: 205, Rejected: 49) Comment resolution database worksheet: Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

10 Brief Statement of Remaining Comments
March 2018 Brief Statement of Remaining Comments MBS comment types that remain unsatisfied: want to deprecate PHY II and PHY III It is likely these comments will remain as unsatisfied Regardless, we feel we should close in 2 more recirculations or less, since we are not anticipating any new NO voters and/or new valid MBS comments Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

11 802.15.7Revision 1 to Sponsor Ballot (conditional)
March 2018 Revision 1 to Sponsor Ballot (conditional) Anticipated Recirculation Schedule Recirc #2: Start March 19, End April 3 Recirc #3 (if needed): Start April 9, End April 4 Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

12 EC Motion to Forward 802.15.7 Rev1 to SB
March 2018 EC Motion to Forward Rev1 to SB Motion: Conditionally approve sending P m_D2 to Sponsor Ballot. (Note: there was no CSD or 5C associated with this PAR) WG Vote (17-0-5) (M) Heile (S) Gilb Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

13 March 2017 Bluetooth 1a, and Coexistence Recommended Practice to RevCom for Withdrawal (unconditional) Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

14 802.15.1 Withdrawal Sponsor Ballot History
March 2017 Withdrawal Sponsor Ballot History Sponsor Ballot ( Withdrawal) Opened: 21-Jan-2018 Closed: 20-Feb-2018 Type - Withdrawal Vote results (pool of 84 voters) 73 responses (86% response ratio) 71 yes, 0 no votes w/comments (100% approval ratio) 1 no with no comments 1 abstain 1 comment: accepted “The standard is no longer relevant in the market” with the proposed change that the standard be withdrawn Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

15 802.15.2 Withdrawal Sponsor Ballot History
March 2017 Withdrawal Sponsor Ballot History Sponsor Ballot ( Withdrawal) Opened: 21-Jan-2018 Closed: 20-Feb-2018 Type - Withdrawal Vote results (pool of 84 voters) 73 responses (86% response ratio) 71 yes, 0 no votes w/comments (100% approval ratio) 1 no with no comments 1 abstain Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

16 802.15.2 Withdrawal Sponsor Ballot History
March 2017 Withdrawal Sponsor Ballot History Comments: 4 ( ) Categories: 1 Editorial, 3 General Must Be Satisfied: No Disposition Status: 1 Accepted, 3 Rejected Description One rejected comment described a misspelling in the recommended practice One rejected comment didn’t understand the reason for this ballot since the recommended practice was from 2003 One rejected comment was concerned that the information in the recommended practice would be deleted; commenter was informed that the withdrawal removes it from active status but as per IEEE practice: "(i.e., the standard will be labeled Inactive and reserved for historical reference).” The accepted comment requested that the standard be withdrawn Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

17 EC Motions to submit 802.15.1 and 802.15.2 to RevCom for Withdrawal
March 2017 EC Motions to submit and to RevCom for Withdrawal Motion: Approve sending to RevCom for Withdrawal. WG vote: (20-0-3) Moved by Heile and seconded by Gilb EC vote: Motion: Approve sending to RevCom for Withdrawal. WG vote: (19-0-3) Bob Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance

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