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Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 5

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1 Natural Sciences and Technology Grade 5
Term 4: Planet Earth and Beyond Surface of the Earth (PPT 2)

2 Topic 2 Surface of the Earth
Soil comes from rocks Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

3 Soil comes from rocks Rocks break up in many ways to form sand grains.
Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

4 1. Bigger rocks break up into smaller rocks
Rocks get cracks in the surface. Water makes cracks bigger. Pieces of rock break off. Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

5 Water breaks up the surface of the rocks
A little bit of water is found in soil. Roots of plants make the water acidic. Acid water breaks the surface of the stone. Rain water can also wear down the surface of stones. Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

6 3. Stones rub together and their surfaces break up
When water moves them. When the wind blows them against other bigger stones. When people and animals walk on a path and kick stones. Small stones become sand. Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

7 Can you remember what else plants
The importance of soil Plants need soil because: The soil anchors the plant. The plant gets water from soil. The plant gets minerals from soil. Plants reproduce and the seeds need soil. Can you remember what else plants need to grow? Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

8 The importance of soil Animals need soil because:
The soil is their habitat. Animals need plants to survive. Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

9 The structure of land Earth’s crust has different layers.
humus topsoil Earth’s crust has different layers. The layers are arranged in a specific order. subsoil weathered rock fragments bedrock Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

10 1 Topsoil Top layer of soil. Where plants grow. Animals live here.
It is dark in colour. It takes a long time to form. Made up of: small sand grains broken down rocks plant and animal matter air water Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

11 2 Subsoil Layer beneath the topsoil. Lighter in colour than top soil.
Roots of trees anchor themselves. Made up of: - bigger rock pieces - small parts from top soil Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

12 3 Rock Bottom layer of land. Big pieces of solid material.
Very deep down, the rock pieces become bigger too. Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

13 Life in soil Many animals live in soil.
Earthworms’ movements help to loosen soil particles and make more air available. Animals that live here are a source of food for other animals. Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

14 Life in soil Gr 5 Natural Sciences and Technology – Term 4, Topic 2

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