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History Through Literature

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1 History Through Literature
I. The Founding Fathers

2 George Washington – Early Life
B. 1732 Family owned slaves – tobacco Not super smart Became a surveyor – invaluable knowledge of Virginia land. Became a militia leader for Virginia – no military training (political) Surrendered at Fort Necessity (French and Indian War) Fought gallantly at Monongahela when British Braddock killed – retreated and saved the men Retired an became a planter and politician

3 George and Martha Married Martha Custis in Adopted her 2 girl children. Never had any of their own Washington most likely sterile because of smallpox and tuberculosis – heavily pox marked.

4 Washington Politics

5 War for Independence Quickly took Boston – British retreated without a shot Went after New York – lost, retreated without losing any materials though Knew when to attack for morale – Crossing of the Delaware – 1776 Lost more battles than won Trapped the British on Yorktown peninsula in 1781 War officially ended in 1783

6 The Newburgh Conspiracy
During war, group of officers approached him to take over Congress (back pay). He said no. Group went to General Henry Knox – which was planning for him to replace Washington as Commander in Chief. Met at Newburgh, New York (outside NY, NY) Washington showed up to the meeting – fumbled with his glasses – they disbanded British could have attacked.

7 Presidency Unanimously elected by the electoral college (only one)
Served 2 terms, (2nd was reluctant) Put down the Whiskey rebellion – show of strength Delegated lots to Hamilton and Jefferson Farwell address – warned of entanglements in Europe and of political parties Gave up power a second time

8 Ambrose on Washington’s Legacy
Had a “rock solid character” Should deserve the title of Great (Alexander the Great) George Washington the Great….hmmm…. Established the American idea that “We can do it” Freed his slaves on his death Most important – turned down power twice. Died 2 years after presidency in 1799 People wanted to have a grand mausoleum built in DC – he is buried at Mt. Vernon.

9 Thomas Jefferson’s Early Life
b. April 13th, 1743 Virginian Very smart Rich – tutored Lawyer Played the violin

10 TJ’s personal life Married to Martha, had 6 children, only 1 survived to adulthood – Martha jr. Martha died in childbirth of 6th child Did not remarry Had at least 1 if not 5 children with slave Sally Hemming (DNA) Had a lisp – did not like to talk in public – wrote Never freed his own slaves Died July 4th, 1826 – 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The same day John Adams died.

11 Monticello

12 Thomas Jefferson: Founding Father
Delegate to the Second Continental Congress Declaration of Independence Governor of Virginia during War Missed the Constitution (minister to France) First ever Sec of State (Washington) VP under Adams Very states rights – Kentucky and Virginia resolutions (nullification)

13 TJ’s Presidency 1800 (Revolution) Louisiana Purchase – Lewis and Clark
Embargo of 1807 and tensions with England and France Shores of Tripoli

14 Ambrose on Jefferson’s Legacy
Did not escape his time and place Did not have courage to lead us out of slavery (Lincoln) Biggest contradiction was slavery Northwest Ordinance – all new states equal Universal education Great achievements was words, “But those words!” Biggest revolutionary Left us his hope in his words

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