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Randy Mitton & Alanna Vachon

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Presentation on theme: "Randy Mitton & Alanna Vachon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Randy Mitton & Alanna Vachon
Barefoot Mapping Randy Mitton & Alanna Vachon

2 What is Barefoot Mapping?
A mapping technique Also known as ‘ecosystem mapping’ Takes natural and human-made features into account

3 Why Barefoot Map? Powerful tool to increase our connections to place
Increase our collective knowledge Better understanding of our home areas Teaches you about local flora and fauna

4 How is Barefoot Mapping Different?
Doesn’t rely on specialized tools or knowledge - anyone can do it! Gets your hands dirty Immerses you in nature It’s fun!

5 What You Will Need to Do:
Step 1: Choose an area to map Step 2: Look at the history and features of your area Trails, habitats, stories, old place names. Step 3: Go outside and get dirty Bring a journal and pencil, aerial photo or maps of your area, and field guides for your region Write down what you find, draw pictures, compose poems/songs , analyze what’s natural or man- made, look for (or signs of) animals, fungi, plants. Make a features list.

6 What You Will Need To Do 2:
Step 4: Dig deeper into your area Look for other maps with relevant features Find stories about your area (from anyone) Locate mappable landscape features What human elements are there? How will you represent these elements in your final map?

7 Create a Working Legend!
Create your own symbols using features found in your area Be creative and use your surroundings as inspiration

8 Then...Technical Stuff Break out the compass Create your scale
Work out a north arrow Create your grid Pick some quadrats/ grid squares More information online.

9 Now... Numbers out of a hat for quadrats

10 Class Exercise

11 What Can You Do With A Finished Map?
Anything you want! Some examples... Use your map as a base for a restoration project Keep track of how an area changes over time You could map seasonal changes Put it on the wall of your classroom!

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