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Object Interaction Diagrams

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1 Object Interaction Diagrams
CSC 422 Kutztown University Dr. Spiegel

2 Use Case Diagram Lays out the use cases in a system
Shows actors and the different system actions in which they are participants Provides an overall picture of the interactions within a system

3 Use Case Diagram

4 Object Interaction Diagrams
Collaboration Sequence

5 Collaborations What is a collaboration? Properties
An arrangement of objects within a context Properties The collaboration is aimed at achieving some goal Object (possibly) fulfills a predefined role A single object may fulfill more than one role Roles are only meaningful within their context A parameterized collaboration is a pattern Collaboration diagram Shows Interaction between the participating objects Relationships are indicated by arrows (messages, composition, …) Time is indicated by “sequence number”

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17 Sequence Diagrams Describe how groups of objects interact
Shows messages passed between objects over time Properties Captures the behavior of a single scenario Most popular way for representing a use-case Actually shows the same information as a collaboration diagram Sequence diagrams (SD) vs. Collaboration Diagrams (CD) SD: Shows time clearly; object relationships are implicit CD: Shows object relationships clearly; time has no visual representation

18 Validate User (Administrator)

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