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Chapter 9 Glory of Ancient Rome

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1 Chapter 9 Glory of Ancient Rome

2 Lesson 1 Roman Daily Life
Men and Women 1. Roman law encourage large families 2. Father had absolute power over the household 3.Amount of freedom a woman enjoyed depended on her husband’s wealth and status 4. Wealthy women enjoyed independence and some wives of famous men became famous themselves

3 B. Wealthy Had huge villas in the countryside where most of the empire’s food was grown Held elaborate feasts of exotic dishes Held power in government Enjoyed watching gladiator battles at the Colosseum

4 C. Poor Lived in rundown housing with no running water, toilets, or kitchens Were given free grain by the emperor to prevent them from rioting Enjoyed watching gladiator battles at the colosseum

5 D. Slaves 1. Almost every wealthy family owned slaves 2. Household slaves led good lives 3. Slaves who worked on farms, in mines, and as gladiators led short and brutal lives 4. Some slaves were able to save money and buy their freedom

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