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Jeff Claassen.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeff Claassen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeff Claassen

2 Jeff Claassen Contemporary artist in San Luis Obispo, CA
Left SLO for a few years to “make it” in LA, returned quickly Uses bold color, layering, stylized faces and animals Mixed media approach to art Public and private art pieces Names his pieces to give them personality


4 Aidan


6 Little Chicken King


8 Some Bitch Stole My Lunch Money


10 Hector


12 Don’t Mess


14 More To Love


16 Sahnzy


18 Time Without You Drags Me Down

19 The Artisan-Work In Progress

20 Timelapse-Face Painting

21 Your turn! Part One List three different emotions, and create three characters for each emotion Give them names Choose one to flesh out, and create a piece featuring them Must use 2+ layers, 1+ pattern Use bold line, line weight variation Name the piece after your character

22 Example

23 Example-Babygirl

24 Follow him on things Instagram - @jeffclaassen
Blog - Website –

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