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The Drive for Reform Chapter 8 Section 1.

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Presentation on theme: "The Drive for Reform Chapter 8 Section 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Drive for Reform Chapter 8 Section 1

2 What to know Causes of Progressivism and compare it to Populism
Analyze the role that journalists played in the Progressive movement Evaluate some of the social reforms that Progressives tackled Explain what Progressives hoped to achieve through political reforms

3 What is Progressivism? Movement that responded to the pressures of industrialization and urbanization by promoting reforms Reforms? To form again The improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory

4 Where did it come from? Everywhere
All political parties, social classes, ethnic groups, and religions

5 Common Belief Believed that industrialization and urbanization had created troubling social and political problems Wanted to bring reforms to fix these problems

6 Progressivism v. Populism
Similar Eliminate abuse of big business Eliminate corrupt government Difference Middle class ran Progressivism Highly educated should help improve society

7 Tackling Problems Industrial hazards Corrupt government
No right to vote for women Poor living conditions Poor working conditions Monopolies Gap between rich and poor

8 Muckrakers Who are they? Who did they expose?
Writer who uncovers and exposes misconduct in politics or business Who did they expose? Political corruption Abuses by big business Called for better schools Working and living conditions

9 Muckrakers Lincoln Steffens
Used his writings to show how city of Philadelphia politicians were corrupt

10 Muckrakers Jacob Riis Used his pictures to show unsafe working and living conditions

11 Living Conditions

12 Working Conditions

13 Reforms Factory Laws Labor laws Settlement houses Improved education
Child Labor laws New forms of local government Utilities become public Direct Primary Initiative Referendum Recall

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