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Latinos & Native Americans Seek Equality

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1 Latinos & Native Americans Seek Equality
How do other ethnic groups achieve equality in the US?

2 Latinos Fight for Change
1966: Cesar Chavez begins organizing farm workers in Central CA, teams up with Dolores Huerta to form United Farm Workers union Farm owners refused to recognize UFW, tell workers “huelga” is illegal & bring in undocumented workers from Mexico Discuss: Why would owners resort to these methods? Chavez begins to use non-violent methods like marches, sit-ins and a grape boycott, farm owners use police to harass UFW Despite political resistance from CA Gov Ronald Reagan, grape boycott worked and UFW is recognized

3 Brown Power Movement Congress enacts bilingual program (language & culture), Chicano Pride/Brown Power movement begins amongst young Mex-Ams. 1968: David Sanchez forms Brown Berets, who fought for civil rights for Latinos, better educational opportunities & end police brutality Berets organized East LA walkouts – students demand better schools 1970: National Chicano Moratorium, Berets organize a peaceful protest against Vietnam War – police confront protestors in riot gear LA Times journalist Rueben Salazar killed by LA County Sheriffs during the protest – symbolized unfair treatment of Latinos by police

4 Latinos Gain Poltical Power
Due to Immigration Act of 1965, America became more diverse. Many Latinos rallied for civil rights & more political activism 1. Legal: LULAC & MALDEF file lawsuits agnst Latino discrimination 2. National/State Politics: MAPA: helps get Latinos elected to national and state offices 3. Local Politics: La Raza Unida: helps candidates run for city councils, mayors, school boards

5 Native Americans Seek Equality
1968: Dennis Banks & Bellecourt bros. form American Indian Movement (AIM) to fight for civil rights/ stop police brutality AIM involved in occupations and violent confrontations w/ FBI & police at Alcatraz, CA & Wounded Knee, SD Results: 1972: Indian Education Act, tribes gain more control over local edu 1975: Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, gives tribes more freedom to govern their reservations & free college

6 East LA Walkouts Questions: (Don’t just list number, paraphrase information) In the academic classroom what cultural changes did the students want? What did the students have to say about teachers and administrators? What demands did they have for their current school buildings? Which individual demands do you most agree with & why? Which individual demands to you think are not that important & why? (min two)

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