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Animal Behavior “Behavioral Ecology”

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1 Animal Behavior “Behavioral Ecology”
Chapter 54 Animal Behavior “Behavioral Ecology”

2 A) Individuals act on information and communicate to others
. - Organisms exchange information -There is a response to internal changes or external clues -This changes behavior

3 1- Fight or Flight response
Stress cause hormonal response which activates survival mechanisms

4 2- Predator warnings Skunk raises tail and thumps

5 B- Mechanisms of communication
Variety of signals and cues Can be visual Audible Tactile chemical

6 1) Coloration Coral snake color –warns of poison

7 Coloration Poison dart frog

8 2 - Flower coloration and scent
Attracts certain pollinators

9 3 - Territory marking Leaves scent

10 4 - Bee dances Shows direction and distance to food you tube 1 min
Great info 7 mins

11 5 - Bird songs Cardinal cardinal 30 sec

12 6 - Herd, school and flock behavior
Motion, (lateral lines on fish)

13 Bird murmurations starlings 3 mins (show for 20 sec)

14 C. Response to communication is vital for survival
Natural selection – Cooperative behavior

15 1- Natural selection Favors innate and learned behavior that increases survival and fitness

16 Innate behavior Does not have to be learned “instinct”

17 A - Sign Stimulus- Instinctively Sea gull chick pecks at red spot on mother to get food innate

18 b) Invisible fence Learned behavior

19 c) Imprinting- Offspring innately do whatever mother does
Ex. Konrad Lorenz and his goslings

20 d) Orientation Salmon know which steam to enter to get to where they were born

21 e) Migration Organisms relocate in a cyclical yearly pattern

22 f) Navigation Monarch butterflies know how to get home
Generational – the ones that return north are the offspring

23 g) Courtship behaviors
Must know courtship dance (Blue footed boobies)

24 h) Sexual selection Competition to be the most desirable mate as judged by opposite sex

25 2) Animal Cooperation Cooperation Increases fitness of the individual AND the population genes

26 a) Alarm calling Vervet monkeys voice alarm when shown jaguar

27 b) Optimal foraging organisms forage in such a way as to maximize their energy intake per unit time

28 c) Cooperative Hunting
African wild dogs

29 d) Social insects Work together for common good Termites Honey bees

30 e) Insect societies have castes
Ex. Honeybee. Queens Produced by royal jelly. Lay eggs Females do the work Drones (male bees) mostly useless, but a few get to mate with queen and pass on genes

31 Leaf cutter ants Build huge mounds, ants have different jobs

32 Meerkats some guard while others eat

33 Lions Males defend Females hunt

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