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Quran Appreciation.

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1 Quran Appreciation


3 Lesson 7 LO: To understand verses 43-44 Starter: Use your Holy Quran to find out how many times the word ‘ Mubin’ appears in Sura Yasin

4 Verse 43. “And if We please, We drown them, then there shall be none to help them, nor shall they be rescued.” 44. “Save (by) mercy from Us, and enjoyment for a while.”

5 What do you understand from this verse:
43. “And if We please, We drown them, then there shall be none to help them, nor shall they be rescued.” Paired talk

6 Allah (SWT) has the power to create huge waves/storms to drown ships…
It is Allah Who has set water in a form that man can move by ship on it, and this merit is among the signs of the Power of Allah. Therefore, for making this great bounty more clear, this verse states the situation which comes into being because of this bounty being changed. Allah (SWT) has the power to create huge waves/storms to drown ships… It is only Allah (SWT) who is the creator of this system. Talk about the arabic words used in this aya refer to notes

7 Some commentators have rendered it into the end of the world.
Aya 43 If it weren’t for the grace and mercy of Allah (SWT) then even ships would sink in the sea. The Arabic word ‘heen’ in this verse means ‘time’ and refers to the end of the man’s life and his death. Some commentators have rendered it into the end of the world. Allah intends to show His Power to humankind, perhaps the misled ones may reflect on these bounties and turn towards Him.

8 Work on activities in pairs.
Class discussion on what we have learnt over the term. Quick recap  Have the ayaat written down on paper but all mixed up. Students re arrange to correct it. OR Wordsearch activity from folder. Discuss what learnt this term

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