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Frontiers in ocean chemistry: Forcing and tracing climate processes

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Presentation on theme: "Frontiers in ocean chemistry: Forcing and tracing climate processes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frontiers in ocean chemistry: Forcing and tracing climate processes
This session about ocean chemistry and why it matters Good slide - shows visually what you all know - that the majority of Earth’s surface is covered with ocean Also shows probably the most important reason why we care about ocean chemistry…. Climate.


3 Carbon dioxide and global climate change
CO2 End with…. Oceans are the driver of atmospheric CO2 levels Temperature


5 Ocean circulation and abrupt climate change
Mention importance of paleo-climate


7 Themes for this session:
1. The role of ocean chemistry in setting global climate via the carbon cycle 2. The role of ocean chemistry to trace ocean circulation and understand the links between circulation and climate 3. The importance of past climate in providing information about the range of behaviour possible from Earth’s climate system

8 Surface ocean Nitrate consumed (with carbon) and transported downward
The rest of this introduction: An introduction to ocean chemistry, the CO2 cycle, and ocean circulation Nitrate as an example: one of three limiting macronutrients (with phosphate and silicate) Surface ocean Nitrate consumed (with carbon) and transported downward Deep ocean Nitrate released by dissolution of organic material (again, along with carbon)

9 Surface ocean nitrate concentrations

10 Nozaki Periodic Table

11 Nozaki Periodic Table Macronutrients

12 Nozaki Periodic Table Macronutrients Micronutrients
Fe - far from sources

13 Deep ocean iron measurements

14 Deep ocean iron measurements

15 Recent ability to measure these micronutients
High resolution section of Fe and Al in upper 1000m of N. Atlantic. Al… see clear impact of dust addition from saharan plume. Also evidence of advection from out of section - perhaps some, but all, med outflow Interesting how little is carried to depth by particulates - where is the Al going? Fe… surface not that high under dust plume - dust supply here is effectively being used by PP. But very high Fe in remineralization depth, lack of advected Fe where Al is seen.

16 Surface ocean nitrate concentrations

17 Atlantic nitrate concentrations

18 Deep ocean nitrate concentrations

19 Global ocean circulation

20 Pb isotopes as ocean tracers


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