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M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l 26th MOP, November , Paris

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Presentation on theme: "M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l 26th MOP, November , Paris"— Presentation transcript:

1 M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l 26th MOP, 17-21 November 2 0 14, Paris
Methyl Bromide CUE: Final Recommendations MBTOC Cochairs: Mohammed Besri Marta Pizano Ian Porter M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l 26th MOP, November , Paris

2 MB Usage in Non-A5 and A5 Parties

3 MB stocks (t) reported at end of:
Reporting of Stocks (Dec IX/6 1,bii) MB stocks (t) reported at end of: 2005 2013 Australia Canada 3.7 1.4 Japan 48.1 0.3 USA 10,417.0 357.0 Total 10,592.7 358.7 CUE recommendations are not adjusted to account for stocks A5 Parties need to be aware that they need to report on stocks if applying for future CUNs 3 3

4 M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l 26th MOP, 17-21 November 2 0 14, Paris
Issues MBTOC refers to Decision IX/6, whereby a use of methyl bromide should qualify as "critical" only if there are no technically and economically feasible alternatives (or substitutes) available to the user, or suitable to the crops and circumstances of the nomination. This requires Parties to provide technical data to justify the lack of effectiveness of key alternatives in a particular sector. This is particularly important as new CUNs from A5 sectors generally report target pathogens which are generally similar to those in non A5 sectors. M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l 26th MOP, November , Paris

5 Final Recommendation for 2016 (tonnes)
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) for Commodities - US Dry Cure Pork in 2016 Sector CUN Request for 2016 Final Recommendation for (tonnes) US Dry Cure Pork 3.240 t No change to the interim recommendation Research has identified several promising chemical and non chemical alternatives (phosphine, insecticides and sulfuryl fluoride with heat), but Party has justified that these are not yet effective on a commercial scale.

6 Final CUE Recommendations for Soil Uses of MB (t)
Country and Sector Article 5 Parties  Non A5 Parties Nomination for 2015 Interim Rec. for 2015 Nomination for 2016 Interim Rec. for 2016 Australia Strawberry runners 29.760 [29.760] Canada 5.261 [5.261] USA Strawberry fruit [ ] Argentina Tomato and pepper 145 100 [0] China Ginger, open field Ginger, protected 90 30 [90] [24] Mexico Raspberry runners 70 [43.539] [41.418] TOTAL 505 [ ] [ ]

7 Final Recommendation for 2016
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for Australian Strawberry Runners Sector CUN for 2015 Final Recommendation for 2016 Strawberry runners t MBTOC Final Assessment for 2016 No change to the interim recommendation No technical alternatives available for bulking stages of runner multiplication in soil. Party substantiated that substrates were not economically feasible. The Party provided an update of the active research program during the 34th OEWG, and is required to provide an update to the 36th OEWG.

8 Final Recommendation for 2016
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for Canadian Strawberry Runners Sector CUN for 2015 Final Recommendation for 2016 Strawberry runners 5.261 t MBTOC Final Assessment for 2016 No change to the interim recommendation Micropropagated plants have been adopted to replace MB for early multiplication stages and the Party has substantiated that substrate technology is not economically feasible for the final stages of multiplication. MBTOC is unclear whether important groundwater studies will proceed at Prince Edward Island and remind the Party that an update is required for the 36th OEWG as per Dec XXV/4.

9 Final Recommendation for 2016
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2016 for US Strawberry fruit Sector CUN for 2015 Final Recommendation for 2016 Strawberry Fruit t MBTOC Final Assessment for 2016: No change to the interim recommendation The Party has indicated that even though restrictions have affected uptake of key alternatives, this is the final nomination for this sector.

10 Final Recommendation for 2015
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2015 for Argentina Sector CUN for 2015 Final Recommendation for 2015 Tomato and pepper Strawberry fruit 145 100 MBTOC Final Assessment for 2015: Despite new information provided after the OEWG, the submission did not provide suitable specific data that supported the ineffectiveness of alternatives registered and available in Argentina, and thus the need for methyl bromide was not supported as per Decision IX/6. Specific data from within Argentina is particularly important as these sectors have effective alternatives in many other countries and no other CUN requests exist.

11 Final Recommendation for 2015
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2015 for China Sector CUN for 2015 Final Recommendation for 2015 Ginger, open field Ginger, protected 90 30 24 MBTOC Final Assessment for 2015: The Party identified that their situation had unique pathogens and weeds compared to non A5 sectors that have phased out MB (i.e. Japan). Results show chloropicrin is promising. MBTOC maintains the interim recommendation showing a reduction of 6 t for protected ginger crops to align with the dosage rate used for outdoor ginger in China as 40 g/m2 of MB which is considered suitable for control of the target pathogens and weeds.

12 Final Recommendation for 2015
Final CUE Recommendation for MB use (tonnes) in 2015 for Mexico Sector CUN for 2015 Final Recommendation for 2015 Strawberry runners Raspberry runners 70 43.539 41.418 MBTOC Final Assessment for 2015: After the OEWG, the Party provided additional information showing promising results with key alternatives, but no request was made for reassessment and the Party accepted the interim recommendations. MBTOC notes that trials with alternatives in these sectors only commenced in 2012.

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