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Baby Bootie: Clubfoot Orthotic Device

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Presentation on theme: "Baby Bootie: Clubfoot Orthotic Device"— Presentation transcript:

1 Baby Bootie: Clubfoot Orthotic Device
Bae Orthotics Baby Bootie: Clubfoot Orthotic Device Erika J. Franzen William L. Porter Alexis C. Wickwire Advisor: Dr. Morey Moreland 2/22/05

2 Background Congenital birth defect whose cause is idiopathic
Common defect 1 in 1,000 births in the US 5-7 times greater in underdeveloped countries Most popular treatment a combination of casts and braces, but potential for surgical correction With correction the child can have a normal quality of life

3 Goals Proper position of foot (flexion, external rotation, eversion)
Low cost (materials, labor) Keep the foot in the brace Simple design

4 Prototype A Unilateral Restricts flexion of the knee Rigid connectors
Prototype not to scale

5 Prototype B Unilateral Only around the ankle and foot
Need to assure no rotation of the lower leg Prototype not to scale

6 Issues to be examined… Skin interaction with materials
Moisture and cleaning issues Strap mechanisms Deformation of brace due to angry/upset child Mobility of children

7 Future Aims Try prototype on child with/out clubfoot
Continue receiving feedback from mentor Determine materials to be used

8 Acknowledgements Dr. Morey Moreland Mark Gartner Fellow Group Members

9 Questions

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