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Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes

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Presentation on theme: "Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes

2 Matter Every element/compound is unique in some way from all others.
If you know enough about a substance, you can figure out what it is. If you know what a substance is, you can know all types of things about it.

3 Property Is a description of an object
If struck by lighting, the tree could catch FIRE (BURN) Is a description of an object The tree is GREEN The tree is TALL

4 Matter All matter has 2 types of properties: Physical properties and chemical properties.

5 Physical Properties five senses description
Are determined by the use of the They are a of an object. senses description

6 Physical properties A physical property is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed without changing the substance into another substance. (You can see it without changing what you’re looking at into something else.)

7 Examples of Physical Properties
Color Smell Taste Hardness Flexibility State of Matter Boiling, Freezing, or Melting Point

8 Examples of Physical Properties
Odor Shape Texture Luster (Shine) Heat Conductivity Electric Conductivity Viscosity (Ability to be semifluid)

9 Examples of Physical Properties
Density Mass Volume Malleability (the ability to be molded) Solubility (the ability to be dissolved) Ductility (the ability for a metal to be stretched into wire)

10 Physical Properties Physical properties can be extensive or intensive:
Extensive properties depend on the amount of a substance that you have. Intensive properties don’t depend on how much you have.

11 Physical Properties - Examples
Examples of extensive physical properties include: Volume Mass Weight Size

12 Physical Properties - Examples
Examples of intensive physical properties include: Density Melting point Boiling point

13 Physical properties List as many physical properties as you can for this item

14 Chemical Properties Are determined by a substance’s ability to with other substances. react

15 Chemical properties A Chemical property is a characteristic of a substance that can only be observed by changing it into a different substance.

16 Examples of Chemical Properties
The ability to react with - The ability to catch fire ( ) air rust tarnish corrode rot/decompose water/acids flammability

17 Physical or Chemical Property?
Ability of gun powder and fire to explode. Chemical Property

18 Chemical properties List as many chemical properties as you can for this item.

19 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Titanium is very strong and doesn’t rust, so it is often used in jet engines. Titanium is also nonallergenic. This, combined with the fact that it is rust proof makes it great for artificial joints as well as piercings.

20 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Tungsten is usually used as the filament in lightbulbs because it has the highest melting point of any metal. It glows red hot when electricity runs through it, and it gives off both heat and light.

21 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Vanadium is heavier and harder than titanium, so mixing a tiny bit of vanadium with steel can make cheap tools that are still very strong.

22 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Helium is almost completely nonreactive (inert). It is lighter than air, so it’s great for floating balloons (or making funny voices.) When electricity runs through helium, it glows a creamy pale peach color.

23 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
In 1943, all US pennies were made of zinc plated steel because copper was being used in the war. The pennies had to be coated with zinc because steel will rust, but zinc won’t.

24 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Sulfur smells awful. Rotten eggs, onions, and garlic all have sulfur in them. Stink bombs use sulfur to create a bad smell. Sulfur is also flammable, and it is one of the 3 main ingredients in gun powder.

25 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Chromium is famous for its intense luster. Chrome plated tools, jewelery, silverware, or car parts are very popular.

26 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
Most bullets are made of lead because lead is a very dense metal. These bullets are required, by international law, to be coated with a different metal because lead has such a low melting point and is so malleable.

27 Chemical and physical properties – So what?
The most dense elements are Iridium and osmium which have a density of about 22.6 g/cm3

28 Element abundance The most common element in the universe is Hydrogen (about 75%), and Helium (about 25%). The most common element on Earth is Oxygen (46.6%), and Silicon (27.7%). The most common element in your body is Oxygen (65%), and Carbon (18%)

29 Physical or Chemical Property?
The color of a sunset. Physical Property

30 Physical or Chemical Property?
The ability of a nail to rust. Chemical Property

31 Physical or Chemical Property?
The shape of a leaf. Physical Property

32 Physical or Chemical Property?
The ability of wood to burn. Chemical Property

33 Physical or Chemical Property?
The hardness of a diamond. Physical Property

34 Physical or Chemical Property?
The volume of your coke. Physical Property

35 Physical or Chemical Property?
The mass of two camels. Physical Property

36 Physical Changes a change that occurs changing the of the substance.
____ new substances are formed. without identity No

37 Examples of Physical Changes
Change in size, shape, or color Pencil shavings Torn Paper Crushed ice Sugar dissolved in water Painting a wall

38 Physical Change - examples
Examples of physical change include: Change in phase Melting (solid to liquid) Boiling (liquid to gas) Evaporation (liquid to gas) Condensation (gas to liquid) Freezing (liquid to solid) Sublimation (solid to gas) Deposition (gas to solid)

39 Physical Change Physical changes might be caused by: Grinding Cutting
Crushing Bending Breaking squishing

40 Physical Change Evidence that a physical change has occurred might include: Change in shape Change in form Change in size Change in phase (This is always a physical change!) Physical changes are usually reversible

41 Physical change What could you do to these items to cause a physical change to occur?

42 Chemical Changes a change that occurs that the of a substance to change; something is formed. New substances with properties are formed causes identity new new

43 Evidence of Chemical Change
New ________appears Bubbles or ________ Precipitate forms (____ material) color _____ is produced ______ is produced ______ is given off Heat fizzing Light Sound solid Difficult or impossible to __________ reverse

44 Chemical change Examples of chemical changes include: Burning Rusting
Tarnishing Decomposing Polymerization

45 Chemical change – Chemical reactions
There are 5 types of chemical reactions that cause chemical changes to occur.

46 Chemical change – Chemical reactions
1- Composition reactions Two things come together to form something new A + B = AB 2H2 + O2  2H2O

47 Chemical change – Chemical reactions
2- Decomposition reactions 1 thing breaks apart to form 2 or more things. AB = A + B 2H2O  2H2 + O2

48 Chemical change – Chemical reactions
3- Single replacement reactions One atom replaces another atom A + BC = AC + B or A + BC = AB + C Mg + 2HCl  H2 + MgCl2

49 Chemical change – Chemical reactions
Double replacement reactions Two chemicals switch places AX + BY = AY + BX 2KI + Pb(NO3)2  PbI2 + 2KNO3

50 Chemical change – Chemical reactions
Combustion reaction A substance combines with oxygen and releases energy. C3H8 (propane) + 5O2  3CO2 + 4H2O

51 Chemical Change: Evidence
Evidence that a chemical change has occurred might include: A color change An odor change Formation of a precipitate (you mix two liquids and make a solid) Gas is formed (bubbles) Changes in physical properties.

52 Matter’s Changes A physical change during digestion is the mechanical breaking up of food by teeth. A chemical change during digestion is the chemical breaking down of food in the mouth, stomach and small intestine with the aid of enzymes.

53 Physical and Chemical change
During a chemical change energy can be released in the form of: Heat Light

54 Physical and Chemical change - heat
A chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat is called exothermic. Heat comes OUT Exo = out Thermic = heat It will feel HOT.

55 Physical and Chemical change - heat
A chemical reaction that absorbs energy in the form of heat is called endothermic. Heat goes IN Endo = in Thermic = heat It will feel COLD

56 Reactions with Acid Vinegar + baking soda = release of Carbon Dioxide Gas

57 Reactions with Oxygen OXIDATION Iron + Oxygen = rust

58 Reactions with Electricity
Silver Plating

59 Reactions between Substances
Sodium + chloride = salt Silver + sulfer in the air = tarnish

60 Other Examples Wood burning Metal rusting Food digesting
Gasoline burning Cake baking

61 Physical or Chemical Change?
Water evaporates from the ocean.

62 Physical or Chemical Change?
The yolk of an egg, which contains sulfur, causes tarnish to form on silver.

63 Physical or Chemical Change?
The ice on a lake melts to become water in the lake.

64 Physical or Chemical Change?
Charcoal in a fire turns to ash after several hours.

65 Physical or Chemical Change?
A pencil is sharpened in a pencil sharpener, leaving behind shavings.

66 Physical or Chemical Change?
A battery makes electricity to turn on a flashlight.

67 Physical or Chemical Change?
A bicycle rusts when left in the rain.

68 Physical or Chemical Change?
A shirt is accidentally torn in the washing machine.

69 Physical or Chemical Change?
A log is split in two by an axe.

70 Quiz time! Which life cycle is most similar to a chemical change? Why?
Grasshopper = Eggnymphadult Butterfly = egglarvapupaadult

71 Quiz time! What type of reaction is most likely occurring here?
How do you know?

72 Quiz time! What type of reaction is most likely occurring here?
How do you know?

73 Quiz time! What type of reaction is most likely occurring here?
How do you know?

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