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And Finally.

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Presentation on theme: "And Finally."— Presentation transcript:

1 And Finally

2 Strategy and Innovation
Difference Profit Pools Culture Strategy Innovation Mix Business Models Value Dominance Strategy Outcomes Growth Platforms Customer Problems Finance Model & Mix Risk and Return Enablers (Convergent Technologies, PES Drivers) Cunningham (2013)

3 Taking a Strategic Perspective
Balancing certainty with flexibility Getting people to believe and involved Use of metaphors and language Philips ‘Lets make it better’ Communicating a consistent and clear strategy Understanding what your stakeholders wants? Cost efficiency a given and know where are your trade offs with your stakeholders Being highly analytical and rigorous with your strategising process Being consistent with your strategy

4 Strategy and Innovation is about …
Strategy and Innovation is about …....Thinking, Acting and Being Different ‘Craft evokes traditional skill, dedication, perfection through the mastery of detail. What springs to mind is not so much thinking and reason as involvement, a feeling of intimacy and harmony with materials at hand, developed through long experiences and commitment .’ (Mintzberg, 1987)

5 Strategy & Innovation is about an Ambition
‘Without ambition, no conquests are made, no lands discovered no businesses created. Ambition is the root of all achievement. Ambition is the spirit of success, of striving for something worth achieving’ (Champhy and Nohria, 2000).

6 Strategy and Innovation is about Impatience…..
‘ I have been convinced since I was very young that you have to make you own future – otherwise you’re condemned to accept whatever comes you way. Its no secret that I dont miss childhood. I was impatient to become an adult and to become free. The desire for independence made me determined to live the present with the energy of someone who knows the that the promise of the future does not come automatically’ President Sarkozy (2007) Testimony (xxvii)

7 From Intent to Action


9 What are you going to do when you leave here….
Who we are and where do we compete? Orientation Challenge How do we compete? Trade Off Challenges What is our value proposition? and for whom? Relevance How do we adapt? Continuous Change Challenge Reflect on your passion and ambition Call a meeting to discuss your company strategy whether you have one or not – start the dialogue Use these key questions on strategy and innovation to start the organisational conversation Get as many people involved to get as much buy in as possible Make it fun 

10 What are you going to do when you leave here….
What strategy artifacts do you need to create when crafting, implementing and reviewing strategy ? Yes get hard evidence and facts… Once you have a clear strategic orientation how are you going to communicate it consistently. How are you going to implement your enhanced strategy and innovation plans And REMEMBER the HORIZONS


12 Thank you
TOPIK Workshop Thank you Copyright: James Cunningham, NUI Galway

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