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Enthalpy, Entropy, and Gibb’s Free Energy

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Presentation on theme: "Enthalpy, Entropy, and Gibb’s Free Energy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enthalpy, Entropy, and Gibb’s Free Energy
Accompanies the Lab on p574 Enthalpy, Entropy, and Gibb’s Free Energy

2 Calculating the “change” in….
= CHANGE = Final – Initial ie….. The change in temperature when water is heated from 28 degrees Celsius to 104 degrees Celsius is…. T = 104 – 28 = 76 degrees Celsius

3 Change in Enthalpy ( H) Measure of energy in a system
Melting = (-) Freezing = Bomb = Endothermic = positive H Exothermic = negative H 100 ice 50 (+) liquid (-) 20 Time

4 Change in Entropy ( S) Measure of randomness in a system
S = lots – little = (+) Melting = (+) Freezing = Bomb = (-) (+) Organized- little randomness Unorganized- lots randomness

5 Gibbs Free Energy ( G) Temperature Dependent (T) G = H – T S
Measures if a reaction will happen on its own (spontaneous) or if it will need help (fire, catalyst, etc…) G = (-) = spontaneous , ex: melting G = (+) = nonspontaneous, ex: freezing

6 Homework: READ p Questions p555 #6 P559 #11-13, 15

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