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Philosophy of the Human and the Posthuman

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1 Philosophy of the Human and the Posthuman
Class 3

2 Last class: 1. Primacy of reason, rationality (Descartes, Kant)
2. Theory of the self – atomistic? or relational? 3. Theory of social relations – contractual? or relations of care?

3 John Locke Two treatises on government 1689
Natural rights Private property Toleration

4 John Stuart Mill On Liberty 1859

5 John Stuart Mill On Liberty (1859)
arguments in support of liberty; limits of freedom of speech; distinction between private and public spheres.

6 John Stuart Mill On Liberty (1859)
What are Mill’s arguments for freedom of speech? What are the limits on freedom of speech? Why does he draw a sharp distinction between private and public spheres? Is this distinction subject to criticism? Consider the strengths and shortcomings of Mill’s arguments in the light of recent challenges, e.g….

7 Consider strengths and shortcomings of Mill’s arguments in the light of recent challenges, e.g… Is there a case for censorship? Under what circumstances? Who should decide? What is the appropriate response to public defenders of causes like extreme right patriotism; holocaust denial; etc.: ‘de-platforming’? or debating?

8 John Stuart Mill On Liberty (1859) Why does Mill draw a sharp distinction between private and public spheres? How tenable is this?

9 Mary Wollstonecraft Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792)

10 Humanist values … reason; rationality
individualism; separateness; independence freedom; autonomy; agency human exceptionalism universalism hierarchical binary exclusionary Individualism; Separateness Reason; rationality Freedom; agency Universalism Hierarchical exclusionary Individualism; Separateness Reason; rationality Freedom; agency Universalism Hierarchical exclusionary

11 Independence Independence vs dependence
Independence Independence vs dependence? Independence vs inter-dependence

12 Independence vs inter-dependence Separateness (atomism) vs relationality Implications for ethics: Kohlberg and Gilligan

13 Individualism; Separateness vs relationality Independence vs inter-dependence Reason; rationality vs emotion; feeling Freedom; agency vs coercion; oppression Universalism vs difference, diversity Hierarchical vs non-hierarchical Binary vs plural Exclusionary vs inclusive

14 Themes of next class Class 4 (30 Oct 2018)
(specific references to be advised) Triumph and decline of humanism; Michel Foucault: “death of man”; Meanings of the posthuman

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