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Worked Examples Step by step demonstration of how to perform a task or solve a problem – good for procedural and principle-based job tasks Reduce the load.

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Presentation on theme: "Worked Examples Step by step demonstration of how to perform a task or solve a problem – good for procedural and principle-based job tasks Reduce the load."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worked Examples Step by step demonstration of how to perform a task or solve a problem – good for procedural and principle-based job tasks Reduce the load in working memory for novices Present a worked example followed by a similar problem

2 Worked Examples (Cont’d)
Principles: Replace practice problems with worked examples Apply the media elements principles to examples Use job realistic or varied worked examples Teach learners to self explain examples

3 Collaborative Learning
Concurrency, learning goals determines the type of tool to use Effective when students study together and were given a group reward based on the individual progress of all learners in the group Make assignments that require collaboration among learners

4 Collaborative Learning (Cont’d)
Assign learners to groups in ways that optimize interaction Structure group assignments around products or processes Adapt jigsaw and structured controversy, seven jump method, scripted cooperation to e-learning , chat, conferencing, message boards

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