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2 CLOUDS FORM WHEN: What is a cloud? Air rises Air cools Air condenses
A group of tiny water drops or ice formed around a bit of dust or salt Clouds form when the dew point is reached! Air rises Air cools Air condenses CLOUDS FORM WHEN:

3 4 ways that air rises

4 Convection How do clouds form from convection?
When air is moist, upward flowing air currents cause cloud to form

5 Orographic lifting Air




9 Orographic lifting How do clouds form from orographic lifting?
• Orographic lifting -- mountains act as barriers to the flow of air, forcing the air to move upward

10 Frontal lifting/wedging
Cold Air Warm Air

11 Frontal lifting/wedging
What is a front? a boundary or edge where two air masses meet How do clouds form from frontal lifting? Frontal lifting -- warmer, less dense air, rises above the cooler air, causes condensation and storms

12 Convergence Air Air

13 Convergence How do clouds form from convergence?
Convergence -- air masses with the same temperatures crash into each other and both rise

14 Temperature Inversion
When air found at lower levels is actually cooler than the air above it it is more dense so it stays below This can happen on a cool night - land cools quickly, causing the air above it to cool as well

15 Temperature inversions can create smog in cities with high pollution (polluted air stays low and blankets city)

16 Summary: Cloud Formation Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class
AIR CONDENSES AIR RISES AIR COOLS Convection Orographic Lifting Frontal Lifting Convergence By expanding Cools to the dewpoint and water vapor condenses. Mr. Fetch's Earth Science Class Mr. Fetch’s Earth Science Classroom


18 Clouds are classified by….
Shape Height

19 Write your description of each type!
Shapes of Clouds Stratus… Cumulus… Cirrus… Nimbus… Write your description of each type! Three types by appearance Stratus – layered or blanket the sky Cumulus – Puffy; often flat bases and lumpy tops Cirrus – Wispy, feathery, composed of ice crystals Nimbus – rain

20 Heights of Clouds Height is determined by where the base of the cloud is High (cirro-) Middle (alto-) Low (strato-) Base

21 High Clouds High altitude clouds are made of ice crystals due to…?
Cirrus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus

22 Cirrus Clouds Cirrus Cirrostratus – Very thin layer of clouds with a wispy or fibrous appearance; sometimes produces a halo Cirrocumulus – Small rippled clouds


24 Cirrostratus Clouds Cirrostratus – Very thin layer of clouds with a wispy or fibrous appearance; sometimes produces a halo


26 Cirrocumulus Clouds Cirrocumulus – Small rippled clouds

27 Middle Clouds Middle clouds are made of ice crystals and water droplets Altocumulus Altostratus

28 Altocumulus Altocumulus – Puffy clouds that may occur between 6500 and feet


30 Altostratus Altostratus – Layered cloud sheets; thin enough to allow some sunlight through.


32 Low Clouds Low clouds are made of water droplets Cumulus Stratus
Stratocumulus Nimbostratus (rain cloud) Nimbostratus – Grey, dreary looking clouds Stratus

33 Cumulus


35 Stratus


37 Stratocumulus Stratocumulus – Low cumulus clouds, formed from weak convective currents


39 Nimbostratus Nimbostratus - grey, dreary clouds


41 Cumulonimbus Clouds (thunder clouds)
Very tall clouds, extending to the tropopause (top often shaped like an anvil) Intense weather: lightning & thunder hail tornadoes heavy rain


43 Fog Fog is a cloud with its base on the ground, caused by…
Air cooling and draining into low areas (ex: river valleys), where fog develops Cool air moves over warm water (ex: lakes), causing moisture to evaporate from the water




47 Strange Cloud Formations
YouTube: Strange Cloud Formations

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