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Regents Review – Early Presidents

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1 Regents Review – Early Presidents
Quiz on Constitution HW: Essay Outline

2 Washington Precedents set: cabinet, two terms in office
Farewell Address: neutrality, stay out of foreign affairs (no foreign entanglements)

3 Adams Alien Acts – more difficult to become a citizen and easier to arrest and deport non-citizens who were a danger to national security. Sedition – easier to arrest someone for criticizing the government.

4 Jefferson Political parties – developed through custom and tradition (unwritten constitution). Federalists (Hamilton) and Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) Louisiana Purchase – doubled the size of the US. Required loose interpretation of the Constitution (elastic clause). Acquire the Mississippi River.

5 Madison War of 1812 – Causes – impressment, War Hawks wanted to acquire Canada and British giving arms to the Indians and encouraging them to attack settlers on the frontier. Treaty of Paris – gained nothing National Anthem, White House, Future President (Jackson)

6 Monroe “Era of Good Feelings” – New spirit of pride and national unity after the War of 1812. Monroe Doctrine – written by John Quincy Adams. No further colonization of the Western Hemisphere. Any attempt to do so would be an act of war. US will stay out of European affairs. John Marshall – Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Strengthened the power of the Federal government (McCulloch v. Maryland)

7 John Quincy Adams Secretary of State – Wrote the Monroe Doctrine, negotiated the purchase of Florida. Better Secretary of State than President. Florida – Adams-Onis Agreement – purchased from Spain.

8 Jackson Spoils system – nepotism, gave jobs to his friends.
Pet banks – state banks owned by his friends that Jackson deposited money into. He broke the National Bank. Trail of Tears – move Cherokees west of the Mississippi. Cherokees sue in court and win. Jackson moves them anyway. ¼ die along the way.











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