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DCLL TBM Design Status, Current and future activities

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1 DCLL TBM Design Status, Current and future activities
Mo Dagher and The DCLL Team FNST Meeting, UCLA Aug 18th , 2009

2 Outline DCLL design summary
Current activities. Structural and thermal analysis Future Design options and changes.

3 Equatorial Port Plug Assembly
DCLL TBM Equatorial Port Plug Frame Assembly DCLL TBM Assembly Shielding* Vacuum Boundary Back Plate* * Shielding and Pipe penetrations shown in this view are not representative of the final design. Additional design work is under way to complete this assembly.

4 TBM Assembly, General Configuration
PbLi Outlet Line PbLi Inlet Line Shear keys He Outlet Line Electric Strap He Inlet Line Flexible Support Points PbLi Drain Line

5 TBM Assembly Exploded View
Major Components

6 DCLL TBM Assembly Mid Plane Section
PbLi Outlet Channels (3) Inner He Distribution Manifold (Circuit 1) PbLi Inlet Channels (3) Divider Plate Plenum Outer He Distribution Manifold (Circuit 2) First Wall Grid Plates Grid Plate He Outlet Plenum Inner He Dist. Manifold (Circuit 2) He Outlet Plenum Grid He Inlet Plenum Outer He Distribution Manifold (Circuit 1) Back Plate

7 Mid Plane Section View

8 He Flow Scheme Flow through top plate
First part of the HE flow is through the Bottom Plate, FW and the TOP Plate. FW flow is divided into two flow circuits with counter flow configuration. Each flow circuit is also divided into seven passes. The goal of this flow scheme is to achieve a uniform flow and temperature distribution across the FW. Second part of the He flow through the grid and divider plates in order to maintain a low structure temperature. Flow through First Wall

9 PbLi Flow Scheme 5) LL flow exits TBM 1) LL Flow Enters TBM
2) LL flow splits into Three Channels and flows down inner chamber 4) LL flow Collected in the Upper Manifold 3) LL flow turns around and flows up outer chamber

10 FEA: Completed Work Thermo-structural analysis was performed on the entire TBM structure under various, simplified loading combinations: Normal pressurization (8 MPa He, 0.5 MPaPbLi) at 20 ºC and 450 ºC LOCA pressurization (8 MPa He and PbLi) at 20 ºC and 450 ºC Different structural boundary conditions were applied on the back plate in an effort to investigate different support systems. Contour plot showing displacement magnitude (in meters) of the TBM, with central support option, under normal pressurization at 450 ºC. Central fixture applied in blue region. Maximum displacement magnitude is mm.

11 TBM Design Future activities
The TBM support system is not fully designed yet pending further analysis. Most importantly structural analysis that includes the Disruption loads. Flexible Support Points

12 FW He flow profile Flow through top plate
He Velocity profile through FW using Cradle, courtesy of Alice Ying. This profile shows a large variation in the flow distribution between individual channels. Flow variation are consistent among the central five passes. Design changes should be implemented in the side manifolds to provide even flow distribution into the FW channels Flow through First Wall

13 TBM Design Future activities
The next design iteration of the DCLL TBM will be based on input from various analysis results and experiments. He Inlet and side manifold redesign will be required to insure proper flow distribution in the First Wall and the Top and Bottom plates. 2. Next will be to evaluate the He flow inside the Grid and divider plates. Look at the flow distribution and make design adjustments 3. The last item of the He flow circuit is the back plate inlet and outlet manifolds. Final design will be based on flow distribution in the FW and the grid plates.

14 TBM Design Future activities
The current FCI design exhibits high thermal stresses. An alternative design would be to use the nested FCI design concept based on work done by Sergey and Siegfried.

15 TBM Design Future activities
Finally all pipe connections between the TBM and the AEU must be evaluated based on the analysis results showing displacement magnitudes, so proper joints are implemented at the TBM, the Vacuum boundary and the AEU Interface Joint No 2 Inter-space Pipe Assembly – TBM Frame Assy The modified Plug frame Interface Joint No 3 Bio-Shield Pipe Penetration – AEU Pipe Connection Interface Joint No 1 TBM - Shielding

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