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Paperless & E-Learning Environments SCHOOL DIGITAL LIBRARY Development, Configuration, maintenance, CD ROM Publishing. E-LEARNING DRIVEN WEBSITES ENVIRONMENTS.

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Presentation on theme: "Paperless & E-Learning Environments SCHOOL DIGITAL LIBRARY Development, Configuration, maintenance, CD ROM Publishing. E-LEARNING DRIVEN WEBSITES ENVIRONMENTS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paperless & E-Learning Environments SCHOOL DIGITAL LIBRARY Development, Configuration, maintenance, CD ROM Publishing. E-LEARNING DRIVEN WEBSITES ENVIRONMENTS Design and Development. STAFF TRAINING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Staff, administrators and student training. ONLINE SERVICES Hosting and Maintenance Services. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Onsite software provision,installation and configuration

2 Paperless & E-Learning Environments 1. ALWAYS AVAILABLE: CD ROM and Internet Anywhere and anytime access 2.WIDER ACCESS: 2.WIDER ACCESS: Simultaneous access Larger population served beyond library walls and physical opening hours 3.IMPROVED PRESERVATION : Not prone to physical wear and tear Facilitate preservation of special and rare documents and artifacts by providing access to digital versions of these entities. 4.IMPROVED ACCESS: Support advanced and novel search and display features including full text search, relevance ranking, and hierarchical document browsing 5.NEW FORMS OF ACCESS: A digital library can provide access to content in different and more appealing forms, including animation, graphical, audio and video formats 1. ALWAYS AVAILABLE: CD ROM and Internet Anywhere and anytime access 2.WIDER ACCESS: 2.WIDER ACCESS: Simultaneous access Larger population served beyond library walls and physical opening hours 3.IMPROVED PRESERVATION : Not prone to physical wear and tear Facilitate preservation of special and rare documents and artifacts by providing access to digital versions of these entities. 4.IMPROVED ACCESS: Support advanced and novel search and display features including full text search, relevance ranking, and hierarchical document browsing 5.NEW FORMS OF ACCESS: A digital library can provide access to content in different and more appealing forms, including animation, graphical, audio and video formats

3 Paperless & E-Learning Environments PAST EXAMINATION PAPERS Duration of coverage determined by the school e.g. 2000-2010 All grade levels covered SPECIALIZED SUBJECT NOTES Subject departments and teachers provide these in electronic format i.e. typed E-BOOKS E- REFERENCE MATERIALS dictionaries, gazetteers, maps and encyclopedias SCHOOL GALLERY Sports, Arts, Ceremonies and History ONLINE INFORMATION GATEWAYS controlled hyperlink s

4 Paperless & E-Learning Environments Students Past exam papers Subject notes Reference books Video and audio Tutorials Parents Acquire study materials to aid students in lower grades e.g. Grade R-7 Teachers Relevant educational software will be made available Online educational Gateways Administrators

5 Paperless & E-Learning Environments 1.AUTHORING, ACQUISITION, SELECTION AND APPROVAL Controlled document creation, typing Documents selection, acquisition, proof readiing 2.CONVERSION Converting to digital format i.e. Scanning, formats Assigning metadata, 3.STORAGE Publishing the digital library on the CD ROM or DVDs Publishing the digital library Online i.e. Internet 4.PROVIDING ACCESS Providing students with CD ROMS Promotion and awareness Digital Library hyper-link provided on the school website

6 Paperless & E-Learning Environments QUALITECH E-SCHOOLS TEAM Project management Project breakdown into achievable milestones Monitoring the project progress and processes Provision of expertise needed for the project success Staff in-house training and skills development One day 3-5 hour training course mostly practical Specialized training of the school teacher librarian and school project team as the major project steering team. Provision of specialized handouts, and CD ROM Provision and donation of scanners Software installation and provision Digital Library Publishing into CD ROMs Website design.

7 Paperless & E-Learning Environments Selecting a team that will work will Quali-tech E-school Team during the digital library creation project. Ensure 100% participation of school administrators and teachers Provide a venue for in-house training preferably the school computer-lab as the training is more practical. Selection, acquiring, creation of documents as the Digital library content Provide all the necessary information for the creation of the school website as soon as guideline are provided to the school. All subject department ensure information on their respective field is provided for exhaustively and accurately. Ensure that all standards of documents creation are followed as given during training. Ensure effective communication Document scanning (students volunteers can be utilized to increase capacity)

8 Paperless & E-Learning Environments Subject Departmental heads will oversee the document creation within their respective disciplines This project must take a maximum of 6 months The Teacher librarian will be used as our main project link as there are highly library oriented. The school will highly be engaged on the awareness and promotion of this digital library to its intended users students and parents.

9 Paperless & E-Learning Environments THANK YOU

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