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Globalization Good idea or bad?.

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Presentation on theme: "Globalization Good idea or bad?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Globalization Good idea or bad?

2 Globalization What do you think?
What does it mean? It describes the way countries and people of the world interact and integrate. Globalization has many sides and can be economic, political and/or cultural. Economic globalization is how countries are coming together as one big global economy, making it easier to buy and sell across countries. -the process of growing and expanding to exist throughout the entire world. An example of globalization is when a company has offices in the US, Europe, China, Mexico and throughout the world. “It’s a small world after all!” Is it positive or negative? Could we ever go back to being self-sufficient? Let’s look at the idea further by watching a few videos and reading an article on globalization.

3 We will look at a brief video on globalization
As you watch the video you may wish to gather brief notes on the positives and negatives of globalization (an assessment may be in the near future… ;) and how it connects to the sustainability triangle. Globalization easily explained 5 mins Video – Crash Course – Globalization (11 min) Globalization 8 mins Pros and Cons of Globalization 3 mins





8 Consumer Choices – Have you ever…
Have you ever thought about where your daily products come from or how they are made? Have you ever wondered who made the t-shirt I’m wearing today or where was my t-shirt made? How many of your products are actually made in Canada? Does it matter where your products are made? Does it matter who makes your products?

9 What do you know about Apple Products?
Who designed them? Where were they made? How are those workers treated who make your products? Gather a few notes from the Apple Chinese Factory Foxconn Nightline we’ll watch to help you in your reflection. (15 min) Smartphones and Sustainability 5 mins (watch this one first)

10 Other Examples of Globalization:
CNN Coverage of Bangladesh (3min) Coverage of Factory Collapse (6 min)

11 Consumer Choice - What do you think about the following scenario?
You want to go the United States for a weekend shopping trip. You have heard that clothes might be more fashionable and are a better price than in Manitoba. A member of your family, however, suggests that you should shop in Manitoba to support the Canadian economy and to help the clothing industry at home to become better. What do you think? What are the economic implications if many Canadians go the United States for major shopping trips? Why should you not be able to save some money and shop elsewhere if you want? Does your decision make any difference to anyone?

12 Fair Trade A happy medium? Have you heard of it before?
Intro video (9 min) Don't just Fair Trade: Trade Fair 30 mins A short documentary made up of compiled videos and some extras. This film challenges the naturally accepted notion that fair trade products are the best solution to helping impoverished farmers. While having the movement is better than nothing, there are superior, less controversial alternatives- such as purchasing premium coffee beans

13 Questions? Can you make a difference? Do you make a difference?
Will you or do you think about where your products come from?

14 Chocolate The Bitter Truth
The story behind chocolate (8 min) Chocolate is a multi-billion dollar global industry, but, nearly a decade after key players signed a pledge to eradicate child labour, little has been done to implement it. This special investigation highlights the continuing abuse children suffer in the production of chocolate, despite repeated promises of reform. This film (March 2010) shows that the chocolate industry still supports child labour through its supply chain, that child labour is still rife in the fields and that the industry has made few moves to eradicate it or the child trafficking behind it.

15 Rescuing Child Labour in India 20 mins The National
Over 40% of the world's cocoa is sourced from the west African region of Cote d'Ivoire, and the UN estimates that there are around 15,000 children working on the region's cocoa farms. ( read Nestle 'failing' on child labour abuse, says FLA report) These include children as young as eight years old, many from neighbouring Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana, who are trafficked across borders and used as forced labour. In 2001 the chocolate industry signed up to the Harkin Engel Protocol in which it promised "industry wide standards of public certification…that cocoa beans and their derivative products are free of the worst forms of child labour". Rescuing Child Labour in India 20 mins The National

16 Your job! In pairs or on your own
Using your smart phones/electronic devices search for a Fair Trade company. Research what items that they create that is Fair Trade, where are they located? Who are they working with? What form of sustainable practices are they practicing. You will report your findings tomorrow in class.

17 Industries responsibilities (IKEA) and sustainability
Steve Howard: Let's go all-in on selling sustainability Story of Change- Be the Change 6 mins Story of Solutions 9 mins Ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la 11 mins

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