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Edinburgh Napier University

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1 Edinburgh Napier University
Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships Stewart Falconer Murray MacCallum Edinburgh Napier University 19/5/16

2 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Transnational Education (TNE) Defined: The provision of education for students based in a country other than the one in which the awarding institution is located Strategic Context TNE at Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) makes an essential contribution to the University’s international student numbers and financial targets Our TNE strategy is focused on growth without compromising academic quality and/or reputation

3 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Historical Perspective There was an11.5% increase in TNE enrolments at UK higher education institutions between 2011/12 and 2013/14 Total UK revenue from TNE in 2012/13 estimated at £496m ENU has more than twenty five years experience of delivering transnational education and has now over 5000 students enrolled in programmes delivered overseas 73 programmes with 29 partners are currently offered in learning communities at a distance in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Switzerland; India, Sri Lanka,Thailand and Malaysia

4 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Aspects of TNE Distance/On-line learning Collaborative Provision Branch Campuses TNE Models at ENU Global Online Global Online Supported Partner Supported International Centre

5 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Governance and Risk Management: Partnership selection and monitoring is overseen by Collaborative Provision Committee (CPC) which reports to Academic Board on matters relating to quality in TNE Partner Selection: Assessed on the basis of their strategic fit with the University’s vision, principles and values; on their reputation, resources, characteristics of their local operating environment and market experience and on their proven market success and sustainability LTA Approach: Based on high-contact, face-to-face teaching (i.e. induction & lectures) delivered by ENU staff in intensive blocks, supplemented by weekly delivery by local module tutors

6 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Student Experience: Key emphasis is to offer an equitable student experience irrespective of delivery location, with particular importance placed on personal development, student support and technology-enhanced learning Monitoring: Staff-student liaison meetings are held during staff visits to partners and each collaborative programme is subject to a first year review. Academic Schools at ENU also submit an annual report on the delivery of all overseas programmes In-Country Accreditation: Programme accreditation and recognition is sought whenever possible from national professional, regulatory and statutory bodies

7 BA Accounting F/T and P/T
Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships BA Accounting F/T and P/T Part-time programme – 1997, full-time 2002 Subsidiary programmes in Accounting and Finance and, at the peak, we had over 1800 students studying Accounting at any one time Model is collaborative with teaching and administration shared by UK and HK teams Known as the ‘flying faculty’ model with lectures delivered by UK academics and tutorials by local academic staff Resource intensive and there have been times when lecturers were delivering material five times in a single trip We couldn’t do that without excellent relationships – working together

8 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
We must have got something right! Strong student numbers on a popular programme Local accreditation: Hong Kong Council for the Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ) Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) First overseas University to obtain the CPA accreditation Huge impact on recruitment

9 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
So, what did we do to ‘get it right’? In our most recent ELIR (2015), as part of their list of positive practice, the external team identified the following: “Staff engagement with international partners: University staff are proactive in their engagement with, and support for, colleagues in international partners to the benefit of the students. There is clear evidence of Edinburgh Napier staff reflecting on practice at the module and programme level, and sharing the outcomes of this reflection with colleagues in international partners to enhance the student experience.”

10 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Joint team working across academic and administrative parts of the programme Academic: UK Lecturers and HK Tutors, other than Law and Tax Admin: Programme administration teams in UK and HK Regular meetings in HK and more recently by Skype although time differences can be tricky UK programme team teach on the programme and are in HK regularly – they know their colleagues well Examination boards are held in Edinburgh but, increasingly, using Skype to ensure joint participation Relationship management is important at every level – regular visits by senior management

11 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Some specific examples of good practice: The Delivery Model Our collaborative model is the shared delivery of our programmes with direct teaching by our staff in intensive blocks in the partner’s location. The approach is high-contact, with significant contribution by our staff to the LTA approach and delivery. It is not a low cost model but we believe that the intensity of our on-site involvement ensures a high quality student experience, the comparability of academic standards and strong partnership relationships. Our reputation has been built upon this model and we are proud of this approach and the positive impact it has upon our students and upon the Edinburgh Napier identity that they possess.

12 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Programme Management Meetings Joint programme management meetings take place every semester in Hong Kong and, as well as enabling regular engagement between the respective teams, this is invaluable for ensuring issues are raised and addressed on a regular basis. In addition, it ensures that we are kept closely in touch with the accreditation bodies and any issues or concerns which they may have. The programme management team also hold regular ‘student surgery sessions’ on visits to Hong Kong to offer the opportunity to students to raise any issues in an informal setting outside the more formal environment of Student-Staff Liaison Committees.

13 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Technology-enhanced Library Services Our technology-enhanced learning and support mechanisms have been developed to meet the needs of all of our students, regardless of their location of study. Specifically, our library colleagues have developed their resources and support for students on collaborative programmes and technology is used extensively to ensure maximum engagement with the library services for students based in Hong Kong. This facilitates induction and demonstration of services such as search facilities. Skype is used to enable one-to-one enquiries to be handled across a range of services. Exploiting these technologies means that students based overseas can access the same levels of support and assistance to which their Edinburgh based counterparts have access on campus and, consequently improves their student experience.

14 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Our Colleagues in the Partner Institution We ensure that all local staff responsible for supporting the delivery of our provision are adequately qualified and they are provided with a full induction to our programmes and procedures. They are encouraged to visit Edinburgh, as visiting scholars or observers, and this enables them to observe teaching and learning where our collaborative programmes are taught.

15 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
Study Materials Our study materials are comprehensive and consist of a combination of hard copy and access to our virtual learning environment (Moodle). The hard copy follows a format and an approach which is used consistently across all our TNE delivery and incorporates a module text, a student study guide and a set of powerpoint slides. This is supplemented by individual lecturers’ additional materials and we also work hard to embed technology enhanced learning through our VLE to the benefit of all of our students, but in particular our students studying at a distance.

16 Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships
There is always room for improvement! The model is resource-intensive and expensive – not necessarily in pure financial terms but staff are away from the University – this is managed through team teaching to minimise any impact on local students The Hong Kong market is very tight and competitive just now – we need to try to develop and expand our presence – how to resource it? We need to look at new approaches and potential changes to the model Face-to-face has been very valuable for our students and our reputation but we are looking closely at how we might use online delivery, alone or blended

17 Thank you! Any questions?
Better Together: collaborative global learning societies through strong relationships Thank you! Any questions?

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