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Presentation on theme: "HADRONIC INTERACTION MODELS AND DPMJET-CHARM MODEL"— Presentation transcript:

Newt Ganugapati & Dr.Teresa Montaruli

2 Background (Recap) My Earlier studies did not have a CORSIKA simulation for signal simulation (prompt muons) hence spectra were simulated at surface of Earth using muo0 generator and spectra formalized All Signal Events (Prompt Muons) were assumed to be single muons (No way at that time to test it) Only 1 interaction model (QGSJET) was available and we have not tested other models In the Past Charmed particles were produced with in DPMJET but they were not allowed to decay but we now have a new CORSIKA that actually decays these to muons The Interaction Model story is far from complete, and in the long run I hope the study I present will also be helpful for Icecube simulations! This is probably the first time ever that different models are compared relative to each other exhaustively.

3 Software Features and Outline
I have written output from PYTHIA in an F2k format just like any other generator and have modified the scripts. I have worked on Tagging prompt muon events in DPMJET I have worked on Tagging muons from 1st interaction in CORSIKA I have made some studies of Feynman-X and Transverse momenta distributions for various classes of particles including charm Study the lateral separation, Muon multiplicity and Energy distribution of muons arriving at surface for 1st Interaction and Multiple Interactions for a fixed 1PeV shower at a zenith angle of 65 degrees.

4 Longitudinal Momentum Fractions

5 Longitudinal Momentum Fractions
There is considerable amount of variation in the Interaction models and this is more prominent in the case of Charmed Particles(Mesons+Baryons) and this would also affect the resulting muon flux

6 Transverse Momenta The average is around a 300MeV!
Transverse Momentum (GeV)

7 Surface Energy Spectra
Muon Tracks produced from Charmed particles were tagged separately and this was done on a track by track basis and energy at surface of Earth shown

8 Surface Energy Spectra

9 Muon Multiplicity Spectra

10 Lateral Separation From Shower Core-I

11 Lateral Separation From Shower Core-II

12 Conclusion In summary after the entire shower the Prompt muon events don’t look much different from the Conventional muons from a topological Perspective after the entire air shower is taken into account. The story is different if only the First Interaction were taken I think this business of Topology that I worked on for so long might not just work and a prompt muon limit based just on Energy and Zenith Angle has to be done.


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