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Interpersonal RElationship Skills

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1 Interpersonal RElationship Skills
Kamal Nayan Pradhan Shailaja Upadhyaya

2 Forethought No matter what we do, we do it with people. People create technology. People implement the technology. People make it all happen. People ultimately use whatever it is we create. No matter how small your organization or how technical its process, it takes people to be successful. Harry E. Chambers Author, The Bad Attitude Survival Guide APF

3 Facts and inferences Diva, buyer with XYZ company, was scheduled for a10 o’ clock meeting in Singh’s office to discuss the terms of a large order. On the way to that office, the buyer slipped on a freshly waxed floor and as a result received a badly bruised leg. By the time Singh was notified of the accident, Diva was on the way to the hospital for X-ray. Singh called the hospital but no one there seemed to know anything about Diva. It is possible that Singh called the wrong hospital. APF

4 Facts and Inferences contd..
1. Mr. Diva is a buyer. 2.Diva was supposed to meet with Singh. 3. Diva was scheduled for a 10 “0”clock meeting. 4.The accident occurred at the XYZ company. 5. Diva was taken to the hospital for X-ray. 6.No-one of the hospital which Singh called knew anything about Diva. 7. Singh had called the wrong hospital. APF

5 Learning Point Listening is the Key Taking notes??
Confirming understanding. APF

6 Interpersonal Relationship
Interpersonal skills are the life skills we use every day when we communicate and interact with other people, both individually and in groups. People who have worked on developing strong interpersonal skills are usually more successful in both their professional and personal lives. APF

7 Please, think of any moment, incident in your professional /personal life where you think that interpersonal communication seriously broken down (intentionally or unintentionally) and you had an important lesson for your life. APF

8 Forms of IPR Friendship Family and kinship Professional relationship
Marriage Casual relationship Brotherhood and sisterhood Acquaintances APF

9 IPR for an individual Personal growth and development
Entertainment and ejoyment Sense of security Context of understanding Interpersonal needs Establishing personal identity APF

10 IPR for a manager/leader
Understanding self Building a positive functional multidisciplinary team Improving intra and/or inter team communication, coordination and cooperation Improved decision making and problem solving APF

11 WE KNOW THIS communication is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: APF

12 How does a person communicate? I like your Idea. I disagree.

13 Feelings and Attitudes
Words 7% Tone of voice 38% Nonverbal behavior 55% Albert Mehrabian ,Communication Studies APF

14 Use them all ! APF

15 Interpersonal relationship
Reciprocal social and emotional interaction between two or more individuals in an environment Close association between individuals who share common interests and goal APF

16 Principles of interpersonal communication
It is inescapable It is irreversible It is complicated APF

17 Interpersonal Communications
What people talk to each other? How people talk to each other? Why people talk to each other the way they do? We followed a framework.. Transaction Analysis APF

18 Exercise APF

19 Memories come with Emotions…
…Theory Human personality is multifaceted Memories come with Emotions… Ah !!Ego states Ah! Ego States! Sigmund Freud Wilder Penfield Eric Berne APF

20 Ego states.. “a consistent pattern of feeling and experience directly related to a corresponding consistent pattern of behavior.” Reflection of deeper rooted psychological orientation. Parent Child Adult APF

21 Self reflection Remember something your parents/guardians often said that you still believe Remember your childhood and explain how you felt about the rain.. Share one learning from your own experience… APF

22 Understanding Ego states
Parent: The parent represents a massive collection of recordings in the brain of external events experienced or perceived in approximately the first five years of life(or more). “Never talk to strangers” “If you are scared ,wake me up” “ People with Tattoos are bad people” APF

23 “It was fun walking barefoot in the rain”
Child: The Child represents the recordings in the brain of internal events associated with external events the child perceives. “It was fun walking barefoot in the rain” “When I saw my teacher angry ,I was really scared” APF

24 Allows a person to validate and evaluate “parental” and “child” data.
Adult: Allows a person to validate and evaluate “parental” and “child” data. "You have just made an autonomous, objective appraisal of the situation and are stating these thought-processes, or the problems you perceive, or the conclusions you have come to, in a non- prejudicial manner.” APF

25 Interpersonal relationship
Stimulus.. Response Transaction Parent Adult Child Parent Adult Child APF

26 Key for PAC Controlling Parent = do’s and don’ts, set limits, make judgment without logic, rationale and analysis. Nurturing Parent = loving, caring, protecting and showing sympathy. Adult = logical, rational, and analytical. Natural Child = spontaneous, carefree playfulness, curious, energitic,and rebellious. Adaptive Child = submissive Litte Professor = creative, institutive and manipulative APF

27 Identify Your dominant Ego State
Exercise’s Result Identify Your dominant Ego State APF

28 Building Interpersonal Relationship
Understanding your counterpart’s Ego state. Understanding what ego state he/she is wanting you to be in.. Responding to your benefit For All of these analysis your Adult Ego state should be Dominant!! APF

29 Complementary transactions
CP and CP NC and NC CP and AC A to A Your response?? stimulus people who are not punctual do not work hard APF

30 Improving Interpersonal Communication
One to one Transaction Analysis Listening-----Understanding------Responding One to Many Seeking information Bringing in Testing understanding Proposing Giving information Shutting out Disagreeing Defending/Attacking APF

31 Improving…….. listening skills
Paraphrasing: what the speaker has said to confirm understanding Looking for central ideas in the message Clarifying and asking questions until the message is clear. Concentrating on the message, not on the speaker Being aware of listening blocks and avoiding them. APF

32 Improving Interpersonal Communication
Seeking information Asking questions to find out what people think Bringing in Used to involve a quiet member of the team in the conversation, normally includes using their name Testing understanding Making certain that you have really understood another’s contribution, usually by asking questions Proposing Suggesting something on which the team can take action. ‘it’s really cold today’ is not a proposal, ‘let’s turn up the heating’ is Giving information Offering views and making statements Shutting out Any way in which you stop another person from contributing. It can include interruptions, side conversations, asking a question of one person but letting another answer, etc. It can be very subtle Disagreeing Anything that says you can’t go along with what’s being proposed or stated Defending/Attacking Graduating from disagreeing; getting off the topic and talking about the person. ‘Why can’t you ever make a sensible suggestion?’ is one example. It usually results in the other party fighting back and can continue in a loop for a long time. APF

33 Games people play for recognition
It Weren’t For You What If Yes But APF

34 Confirming responses Messages that tell you that you are valued by the other person Examples of confirming messages: “you matter to me” “you are special” Nonverbally Thumbs up,agree-nodd,smile,wide eyes,leaning front..etc. APF

35 Value assumptions/life positions
I’m ok, You’re not ok. I’m not ok, You’re ok. I’m not ok, You’re also not ok. I’m ok, You’re also ok. APF

36 Thank you. APF

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