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Special events and marketing support

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1 Special events and marketing support
Ania Janz Danielle Collins

2 Background and Research Method
Brakes would like to support their customers with additional marketing activities to promote special events and occasions and increase revenue as well as customers’ satisfaction. Research was required to understand what the key occasions are, which events have potential to become more prominent and what would be a preferred way for Brakes to participate in promoting these events. Tpoll has conducted an online survey on behalf of Brakes among their customers across a variety of sectors 10 min online survey Customer data base provided by Brakes Fieldwork dates: 20th September – 2nd October ©2013 Tpoll The contents of this document remain the copyright of Tpoll. It is not to be used or released to any other party without prior written permission

3 Key Findings Christmas is the key trading period for Brakes’ customers, with the summer holidays, Easter and mother’s day also being important; other occasions seem to be marginal With regards to importance in driving revenue, Valentine’s day and weddings also gain high ratings Events such as St Andrew’s day, St David’s day, St Patrick’s day, 4th of July or Burns Night seem to be of rather low importance for the majority of organisations (St George’s day is slightly more important among non-profit customers who don’t organise weddings) Special occasions drive business as they are times when families gather together and eat out more often; they are fun and a good reason to celebrate and spend some extra money Christmas is considered to be celebrated even more in the future, with themed parties and themed menus also coming through strongly There are very clear associations with different events – the key ones such as Christmas, Easter or Valentine’s day are seen as creating opportunities, generating revenue and bringing in custom, whilst event which are not popular at the moment (4th July, St George’s day) are seen as not important Positive recommendation is key for most organisations; only 14% use social media to advertise Most customers are interested in value driven support from Brakes (promotions, good offers), more creative ideas such as party of food packs create the lowest interest ©2013 Tpoll The contents of this document remain the copyright of Tpoll. It is not to be used or released to any other party without prior written permission

4 Recommendations Majority of Brakes’ customers believe traditional events such as Christmas, Easter, Mother’s day or Valentine’s day have always been critical for their business and it is key to promote them. It may be difficult to convince customers to organise new and different themed events. It seems to be more desirable to get stronger support for occasions that are already most important. Customers are mainly interested in promotions and special discounts from Brakes, however half of customers show interest in innovative products which Brakes cold provide. Key opportunity for Brakes lies in helping customers advertise current events – only 14 out of 100 organisations use social media to promote their activities – Brakes could support the online/social media communications. ©2013 Tpoll The contents of this document remain the copyright of Tpoll. It is not to be used or released to any other party without prior written permission

5 Who we talked to ©2013 Tpoll The contents of this document remain the copyright of Tpoll. It is not to be used or released to any other party without prior written permission

6 Non-profit/cost/workplace
Education is the largest sector, however the sample is dominated by profit industries overall Outlets 30% Non-profit/cost/workplace 58% Profit S0.So firstly, what type of outlet do you operate? Base: All respondents (101) Non-profit (30) Profit (59)

7 Number of people catered for
Most outlets cater for more people during the week, 2 in 10 do not cater at weekends Number of people catered for Average: 241 193 S1 How many people do you cater for on an average day during the week/weekend Base: All respondents (101)

8 Brakes is the top most often used supplier, with almost half spending most with them
Food suppliers Ever used Spend most with S2. Thinking about all your food needs, which, if any, of the following grocery and fresh food suppliers do you ever use? S3.And which supplier do you spend the most with? Base: All respondents (101)

9 Food suppliers (Excluding Education)
xxx Food suppliers (Excluding Education) Ever used Spend most with S2. Thinking about all your food needs, which, if any, of the following grocery and fresh food suppliers do you ever use? S3.And which supplier do you spend the most with? Base: All respondents excluding those who work for education outlets (81)

10 Importance of different events and occasions
©2013 Tpoll The contents of this document remain the copyright of Tpoll. It is not to be used or released to any other party without prior written permission

11 Christmas is the top trading period for Brakes’ customers, with the summer holidays and Easter also being key Key trading periods A1 Which key dates in the calendar and annual events are key trading periods in your business? Base: All respondents (101)

12 Key trading periods (Excluding education)
Christmas is the top trading period for Brakes’ customers, with the summer holidays and Easter also being key Key trading periods (Excluding education) A1 Which key dates in the calendar and annual events are key trading periods in your business? Base: All respondents excluding those who work for education outlets (81)

13 Driving revenue within business (overall)
Again, Christmas and Easter are key times for customers to drive revenue; family events such as mother’s and father’s day are also important, along with Valentines day and weddings Driving revenue within business (overall) Important: 80% 68% 52% 47% 37% 36% 25% 20% 18% 14% 11% 8% A2. And looking at the list of events and occasions below, how important are each of them in driving revenue within your business? Base: All respondents (101)

14 Driving revenue within business (profit organisations)
Christmas and Easter are still top events driving revenue within profit organisations Driving revenue within business (profit organisations) Important: 81% 70% 64% 51% 43% 21% 20% 17% 11% 10% 4% A2. And looking at the list of events and occasions below, how important are each of them in driving revenue within your business? Base: All respondents Profit (70)

15 Driving revenue within business (non-profit organisations)
St George’s day seems to be more important among non profit organisations* Driving revenue within business (non-profit organisations) Important: 77% 63% 37% 33% 23% 20% 17% 10% 0% *Be aware of a very low base size, results are only indicative A2. And looking at the list of events and occasions below, how important are each of them in driving revenue within your business? Base: All respondents Non-profit (*30) *Low base size

16 Events which affect annual revenue “Client entertainment ”
With the exception of Christmas, Easter, weddings and mother’s day have the largest impact on annual revenue Events which affect annual revenue Ranked 1st (Excluding Christmas) “Funeral wakes” “Client entertainment ” “School Holidays” A3. Excluding Christmas, which of the following events and special occasions do you think are the top three events that affect your annual revenue? Please select up to three events and rank them in order of which affects your annual revenue the most. Base: All respondents (101)

17 Events which affect annual revenue
The majority of events affecting revenue are the same across profit and non profit customers, with the exception of weddings being specific only to profit sector Events which affect annual revenue Profit Ranked 1st (Excluding Christmas) Non-profit “Summer canapé party” “SUMMER HOLIDAYS” “School visits” “School Holidays” A3. Excluding Christmas, which of the following events and special occasions do you think are the top three events that affect your annual revenue? Please select up to three events and rank them in order of which affects your annual revenue the most. Base: All respondents profit (70) Non-profit (*30) *Low base size

18 Overall, events increase bookings and sales; this is due to special menus or theme days
Why events impact business revenue - Overall “Very busy in restaurant and with take always.” “Easter Sunday is busy on food and if weather is ok we have a family day in the garden.” “We do a special menu/ theme day if its not half term.” “We supply themed recipes to encourage pupils to attend.” “We are a Cafe that attracts families at this time.” “Large numbers on holiday.” “Chocolate treats we are not normally allowed to provide.” A4 Please tell us why each of these events impact your business’ revenue the most? Base: All responses (302)

19 Why events impact business revenue
Easter is a busy period due to an increased number of family meals; mother’s day is when children take their mums out which positively impact on the revenue Why events impact business revenue Easter Mothers Day A4 Please tell us why each of these events impact your business’ revenue the most? Base: All respondents (101) All ranking in their top 3 Easter (68) Mother’s day (50)

20 Popularity of events increasing
Events increasing in popularity include Halloween, weddings, national days and local events Popularity of events increasing A5 What events or special occasions do you think will become more popular so that you will consider celebrating these more in the future within your outlet? Base: All respondents answering (89)

21 Events considered celebrating more in the future
Christmas is considered to be celebrated even more in the future, with themed parties and themed menus also coming through strongly Events considered celebrating more in the future Consider more: 59% 45% 44% 41% 40% 36% 31% 25% 23% 18% 12% 10% 6% 4% A6. And which of the following events do you think will you consider celebrating (more) in the future? Base: All respondents (101)

22 Events considered celebrating more in the future- Profit
For those in the profit sector, Christmas is considered to be celebrated more in the future, along with Mother’s Day and Easter. Events considered celebrating more in the future- Profit Consider more: 61% 53% 51% 50% 43% 39% 36% 33% 26% 21% 17% 13% 11% 6% A6. And which of the following events do you think will you consider celebrating (more) in the future? Base: All respondents Profit (70)

23 Events considered celebrating more in the future- Non-profit
Christmas is still considered to be celebrated more in the non profit sector, along with themed menus and themed parties. Events considered celebrating more in the future- Non-profit Consider more: 57% 53% 47% 27% 17% 10% 7% 3% 0% *Be aware of a very low base size, results are only indicative A6. And which of the following events do you think will you consider celebrating (more) in the future? Base: All respondents Non-profit (*30)

24 Children are a key reason for celebrating more, along with adding variety and attracting customers to create more interest Reasons for celebrating events more in the future “Raises revenue, keeps customers interested , chance to show more foods.” “Generate more interest in restaurant.” “I am happy with our promotion of Christmas and Easter. We are using Social Media more now , so by having special deals or new menu additions it certainly creates more interest in our business..” “To add interest to the offer and children.” “Of greater interest to the children as they grow older.” “As the firm grows we will have more events.” A7 Please tell us why you think you will consider celebrating each of these events (more) in the future? Base: All respondents answering (101)

25 Associations with events
There is a very strong distinction in perceptions of different occasions – the key events are important in generating revenue and bring in custom whilst the less important are seen pointless Associations with events A8.Below are some statements that other people in the catering industry have made about events and special occasions in the context of celebrating them. Please tell us which, if any, of these statements you associate with the following events? Base: All respondents (101)

26 Associations with events
Christmas and Easter are seen as opportunities to generate revenue and bring custom Associations with events Christmas Easter Valentines Day A8.Below are some statements that other people in the catering industry have made about events and special occasions in the context of celebrating them. Please tell us which, if any, of these statements you associate with the following events? Base: All respondents (101)

27 St Patrick’s day and the 4th July are seen as unimportant to customers
Associations with events Mother’s Day St Patrick’s Day 4th July A8.Below are some statements that other people in the catering industry have made about events and special occasions in the context of celebrating them. Please tell us which, if any, of these statements you associate with the following events? Base: All respondents (101)

28 Associations with events
… again father’s day, St George’s day and Burn’s Night are not important events Associations with events Father’s Day St George’s Day Burn’s Night A8.Below are some statements that other people in the catering industry have made about events and special occasions in the context of celebrating them. Please tell us which, if any, of these statements you associate with the following events? Base: All respondents (101)

29 How Brakes can optimise events potential
©2013 Tpoll The contents of this document remain the copyright of Tpoll. It is not to be used or released to any other party without prior written permission

30 Methods used to advertise
Word-of-mouth is the key method of promotion, with just under 2 in 10 not using any advertising Methods used to advertise B1. Which, if any, of the following marketing avenues and methods do you currently use to advertise for special events and occasions? Base: All respondents (101)

31 Support and guidance used to maximise sales - overall
Just under half have not received help from suppliers to maximise sales; of those who have, leaflets, and help with costs have been used Support and guidance used to maximise sales - overall Nothing= 49% B2 What support and guidance have you had in the past from the suppliers that you currently use to help you maximise sales from these key calendar dates and events ? Base: All responses (612)

32 Ratings of Brakes assistance during key trading periods
A third rated Brakes highly in their assistance during key trading periods Ratings of Brakes assistance during key trading periods 32% Lot/slight better: B3.And thinking about how all your catering suppliers have supported you during these key trading periods in the past, please tell us how well Brakes has assisted you in comparison to other suppliers that you currently use? Base: All responses (519)

33 Better pricing and special offers are key in helping organisations during busy periods; having products available and delivering on time are also important. Help during busy trading periods “keep prices down as much as possible whilst keeping quality of goods.” “Price incentives/special offers ahead of key trading periods.” “Reduce prices-special deals, improve delivery service.” “More flexible, frequent delivery times.” “Delivering all the items you ordered, not too leave you short..” B4 How do you think catering suppliers such as Brakes could help you most effectively during key trading periods? Base: All respondents (101)

34 Interest in support to drive business during busy times
Again, seasonal promotions and value offers are popular among customers; half would like innovative products to help their business stand out Interest in support to drive business during busy times Interested: 82% 58% 50% 44% 35% 32% 30% 28% 15% B5.Thinking about the following ways in which catering suppliers such as Brakes can support you in driving your business during busy times, please tell us how interested you would be in each of them? Base: All respondents (101)

35 Promotions, new products and market news from Brakes
Online is the preferred way to receive news, with over half wanting the information a month before the event Promotions, new products and market news from Brakes Preferred ways to receive news When would like to receive B6. By which means would you prefer to receive details of promotions, new products, and market news from Brakes or other catering suppliers when they communicate with you. B7.How far in advance of key dates and events do you which to receive information from your catering supplier Base: All respondents (101)

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