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AP Language and Composition

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1 AP Language and Composition
I can choose the best evidence to support my claims.

2 Agenda Bell ringer Notes on choosing the best evidence
Practice with choosing the best evidence for synthesis Practice multiple choice Group work time

3 Style Bell Ringer Rewrite the following sentence using your sentence variation models: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."- Albert Einstein ( ) Write your own sentence in the style of sentence #16 (periodic—main clause comes last): “When the doorbell rings at three in the morning, it is never good news.” –Anthony Horowitz

4 Rhetorical Mode of the Day: Classification
A classification essay takes a group of things and breaks it down in one of the three ways: Parts: Ex: Three important parts of a car are the engine, the axis, and the body. Types: Ex: Three types of rock music are punk, emo, and progressive. Characteristics: Ex: Important features of a sports car are a bright colour, a high speed, and an attractive interior.

5 Rhetorical Mode of the Day: Classification
“Even once a band has penetrated the scene, there is still a lot left to be done before a band can go into the rock and roll hall of fame. To be considered great, a rock band must have musical talent, an exciting stage performance, and a long lifespan. Musical talent is the first criterion of greatness, and great bands need to have outstanding lyrics, knowledge of instruments and a firm understanding of many music genres… …Another important characteristic is the ability to perform well live. Personality, special effects and showboating are all key ingredients in making a live performance great… …A masterful stage performance alone is not sufficient; a long lifespan is also important for a band to be considered great. Many bands today have the ability to obtain greatness, yet they are not able to stay together long enough…” From “Rock of Ages” Humber Liberal Arts and Sciences

6 Notes on Choosing the Best Evidence:
The most common mistake people make when choosing a supporting piece of evidence is choosing a statement rather than a piece of evidence. Ex: As Shierholz explains, “The rewards for the time, energy, and money that young people put into college are less than they were a decade ago” proving that college is not worth the cost anymore. (Actually, some person saying it doesn’t prove anything.)

7 Notes on Choosing the Best Evidence:
What counts as good evidence: Specific statistics Specific studies (bonus if it tells you who conducted the study and when it was conducted). Expert testimony (not just some dude’s opinion). If you USE expert testimony, explain their credibility when you introduce their testimony.

8 Notes on Introducing Evidence:
Read the excerpt from They Say, I Say and pay attention to all the ways you can introduce evidence. Boost your style by using a variety of quotation introduction strategies!

9 Practice Choosing the Best Evidence
Read the prompt for the synthesis essay from 2014. I have given you one source from each side—we are not choosing a side, but evaluating both sides’ best evidence. Read each source (C and D) all the way through, then go back an highlight the three BEST pieces of evidence in each. Beside your highlighting, briefly explain how those are the best. Then, determine which source presents the best evidence overall and explain.

10 Practice MC Complete the practice multiple choice.
Don’t forget to preview your questions FIRST to guide your reading. You have 15 minutes.

11 Group Work Time Remember upcoming deadlines.
Everyone in your group should be contributing.

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