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Sermon Series: Walking With Jesus: A Journey Through Colossians

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Presentation on theme: "Sermon Series: Walking With Jesus: A Journey Through Colossians"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sermon Series: Walking With Jesus: A Journey Through Colossians

2 Family Matters Redemption Rock Pastor Mike Pratt July 24, Parts of this sermon used with permission from Pastor Paul Apple

3 Today’s Scriptures Colossians 3

4 Tell us a Story!

5 Godly Relationships Wives, Submit to your Husbands

6 What Submitting is NOT You are not a slave

7 What Submitting is NOT You are not a slave You are not a gofer

8 What Submitting is NOT You are not a slave You are not a gofer
You will not be abused

9 What Submitting is NOT You are not a slave You are not a gofer
You will not be abused You don’t submit to all men

10 What Submitting IS Willingly following your husband’s lead

11 What Submitting IS Willingly following your husband’s lead
It’s what Christ did

12 What Submitting IS Willingly following your husband’s lead
It’s what Christ did Necessary in the family

13 God’s Will Trumps All Others!

14 Godly Relationships Wives, Submit to your Husbands
Husbands, Love Your Wives

15 How Did Christ Love the Church?
Christ gave himself up for the church

16 How Did Christ Love the Church?
Christ Gave Himself up for Her Christ gave himself up to make the church holy

17 How Did Christ Love the Church?
Christ Gave Himself up for Her Christ gave himself up to make the church holy Christ gave himself up to cleanse the church with the Scripture

18 How Did Christ Love the Church?
Christ Gave Himself up for Her Christ gave himself up to make the church holy Christ gave himself up to cleanse the church with the Scripture Christ gave himself up to present the church to God

19 Godly Relationships Wives, Submit to your Husbands
Husbands, Love Your Wives Children, Honor and Obey your parents

20 Godly Relationships Wives, Submit to your Husbands
Husbands, Love Your Wives Children, Honor and Obey your parents Fathers, Train Your Children

21 Godly Relationships Husbands, Love Your Wives
Wives, Submit to your Husbands Children, Honor and Obey your parents Fathers, Train Your Children

22 Focus On God…

23 Need Prayer?


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