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Redeemed by Christ Jn 8:31-36.

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Presentation on theme: "Redeemed by Christ Jn 8:31-36."— Presentation transcript:

1 Redeemed by Christ Jn 8:31-36

2 Redeemed by Christ Jn 8:31-36, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free… Rom 3:23, all have sinned Rom 6:23, wages of sin is death

3 Redemption in Old Covenant
Redeemed by Christ Redemption in Old Covenant Heb 10:1-4, There was a remembrance of sin every year

4 Redemption in New Covenant
Redeemed by Christ Redemption in New Covenant Mt 20:28, Jesus gave his life as Ransom I Pet 1:17-19, Blood of Christ There was a Debt that was Owed

5 Redeemed by Christ Ransom was Paid by God Jn 3:16, God’s Love
Ransom Paid was Expensive Redemption Price was Expensive

6 Requirements to Accept Redemption
Redeemed by Christ Requirements to Accept Redemption Rom 6, be Servants of Righteousness Rom 12:1-2, Be a living sacrifice I Cor 6:19-20, we are not our own

7 Penalty for those who Reject
Redeemed by Christ Penalty for those who Reject Christ died for all but all will not accept Heb 2:1-4, how shall we escape if we Neglect Salvation Mt 7:21-23, Depart from me

8 Redeemed by Christ Are we Held Hostage?
Heb 12:1-2, lay aside every Weight and Sin

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