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Misconceptions about youth diversity

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1 Misconceptions about youth diversity
By Tinotenda .s. hONDO Plan international-zimbabwe

2 Ancient wisdom One day the fox invited the crane to dinner…

3 New endings …they sat down to dinner on that last night, ate together and spoke about diversity. How it is important to prepare for everyone what is suited to them so that the outcome can be the same. “Its really important to ensure equal outcomes for everyone my friend. You see if you and me come to this feast, we both need to leave full and satisfied” said the fox. “True that” said the crane. For that had become the lingo in those days.

4 Made to measure… We are gathered here to speak about youths, a very often misunderstood demographic. Often this is the first thing they will say in big gatherings like this, isn’t? And we all sigh, because we have heard this complaint so many times. But it is true. “Youth” are often a wide range of peoples, take Zimbabwe as an example, where the range covers from 15 to 35 years. Countries are often like the fox and the crane in my story, trying to come up with one size fits solutions thinking that equal opportunity will result in the equal outcomes we hope for.

5 Youth diversity

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