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Presentation on theme: "Soil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soil

2 Soil Litter - decomposing but recognizable leaves and other organic material on the surface of the soil. Humus - the organic component of soil, decayed organisms.

3 Soil Topsoil - the top layer of soil, often defined as the “organic layer”. Organic and inorganic mixed Subsoil - inorganic layer beneath topsoil that contains many soluble nutrients.

4 Soil Moisture Organic material, humus, absorbs water and can hold onto it. Sandy soil drains quickly. Clay soil retains water. Mix of humus, sand and clay determines soil moisture characteristics.

5 Soil Nutrients Nitrogen - necessary for making proteins
Phosphorus - used in making the cell membrane of all cells Potassium - in animals very important for nerve impulses

6 Soil Nutrients How do nutrients get into a soil?
From the rock or “parent material” that the soil is derived from. Fixed nitrogen Sulfur from volcanoes How could nutrients be lost from soil?

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