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What problems do Diverse Spaces face?

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Presentation on theme: "What problems do Diverse Spaces face?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What problems do Diverse Spaces face?

2 Enquiry 4: How successfully are cultural and demographic issues managed?
You need to have knowledge and understanding of the following: How the management of cultural and demographic issues can be assessed using measures of income and employment How social progress can be measured by reductions of inequalities, social measures of deprivation and demographic changes

3 Managing issues in Diverse Spaces
A – To create a system to manage issues in different regions B – To evaluate the effectiveness of management schemes C – To explain the planning process for managing diverse spaces.

4 Infrastructure improvements
What has happened? Why? Regeneration Gentrification New Houses Job opportunities Investment Infrastructure improvements

5 Stages of managing an area
Draw up Evaluate Forecast Improvement Monitor Identify Revise

6 Steps to manage change 7 steps to manage and change an area.
Starts with identifying the issue – what problem is there and what is the cause of it. It then looks at predicting impacts and creating a management plan. The plan has to be executed and put in place to see its success over time. Based on the findings the plan then needs to be revised and changed depending on the success..

7 How has Docklands changed?
London Docklands 1 – Area was run down and unemployment rife. 2 – The area would continue to spiral downwards in the long term 3 – The LDDC was formed and plans for a low height redevelopment created 4 – £70 million per annum grant provided and areas knocked down and rebuilt. 5 – Increased opportunities and wealth in the area. 6 – Success of scheme as spiral of decline stopped however further work could be done to make a strong financial centre. 7 – Increased funding (up to £300 million per annum) and high rise office/homes built to improve economy of area even faster. Do you think this has worked? Support your answers

8 How can we measure how an area has changed over time?
Employment rate change. ? Income rate change Ethnic diversity change Life expectancy change Education level change House price change

9 If management is successful what would you hope to see?
Demographic indicators of change Economic indicators of change Total Population increasing Age structure being balanced Ethnic Mix and Migration occurring Family size increasing Life expectancy increasing Type of employment varying Unemployment rate declining Household income increasing % on minimum wage going down % on social benefits reducing

10 How can the management of cultural and demographic issues be measured?
How did this lead to this?

11 Read this article What was the poverty line?
What is the Social Progress Index? What were its findings in 2014? Have a look at the report’s key findings

12 Measuring Social Progress
Social progress is the way that a society can improve their social, political, and economic structures. This can happen through direct action taken to improve an area, such as regeneration and redevelopment.

13 The Index of Multiple Deprivation helps to show social progress.
loads/system/uploads/attachment_ data/file/464431/English_Index_of_ Multiple_Deprivation_2015_- _Infographic.pdf

14 V Describe which areas in the UK are deprived
Explain the key features of deprivation and the usefulness of the IMD Evaluate how the IMD can help support management of cities/regions

15 City size and inequality
Gini coefficient measures inequality. The higher the % the more unequal it is. For most cities the pattern shows that the more people live there the more unequal it is – with a big gap between rich and poor.

16 Plenary: What is social progress?
What do you think? Plenary: What is social progress? The idea that societies can or do improve in terms of their social, political and economic structures. This may happen as a result of direct human action, through enterprise or activism, or as a natural part of the socio-cultural evolution of a society. Social progress may be measured in terms such as levels of poverty and deprivation, educational attainment or socio- economic advancement

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