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Class 6 Network Industries, Winter, 2014 The Express Cases

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1 Class 6 Network Industries, Winter, 2014 The Express Cases
11/30/2018 Class 6 Network Industries, Winter, The Express Cases Randal C. Picker James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law The Law School The University of Chicago Copyright © Randal C. Picker. All Rights Reserved.

2 Natural Monopoly: Production and Cost Function
11/30/2018 Natural Monopoly: Production and Cost Function Available to anyone Given by: cq + K q is quantity of good produced c is the cost of producing one unit of each good (marginal cost) K is fixed cost of production A producer must pay K regardless of how much of the good is produced Idea: An entry fee to get into the business November 30, 2018

3 Natural Monopoly: Production and Cost Function
11/30/2018 Natural Monopoly: Production and Cost Function A producer must pay K regardless of how much of the good is produced Idea: An entry fee to get into the business How many firms would an all-powerful social planner have? November 30, 2018

4 Understanding Natural Monopoly
11/30/2018 Understanding Natural Monopoly Production Cost Focus: One Firm Any quantity of the good can be produced at the lowest cost by having a single firm The costs of producing each unit of the good is the same regardless of the number of firms (fixed marginal cost of production) November 30, 2018

5 Understanding Natural Monopoly
11/30/2018 Understanding Natural Monopoly Two firms = two entry fees (2K) and the second entry fee is wasted We might see that this cost function creates a natural monopoly November 30, 2018

6 Understanding Natural Monopoly
11/30/2018 Understanding Natural Monopoly Competition Focus: More than One Firm? Prior example makes clear that monopolist will reduce output with deadweight loss All-powerful social planner needs to control exercise of monopoly power Does this through regulation November 30, 2018

7 Understanding Natural Monopoly
11/30/2018 Understanding Natural Monopoly Natural Monopoly and Regulation This production function provides natural basis for single-firm situations with regulations controlling exercise of market power. November 30, 2018

8 Natural Monopoly and Entry
11/30/2018 Natural Monopoly and Entry Situation Suppose that we have one firm producing with this cost function and no regulation. Will other firms enter? Put differently, does this production function give rise to monopoly at all? November 30, 2018

9 Natural Monopoly and Entry
11/30/2018 Natural Monopoly and Entry Answer It depends on what the entrant believes will happen Three Scenarios The Tough Incumbent Price Competition Quantity Competition November 30, 2018

10 No. 1: The Tough Incumbent
11/30/2018 No. 1: The Tough Incumbent Entrant believes that Incumbent monopolist will slash prices to c, marginal cost, in response to entry Will E enter? November 30, 2018

11 No. 1: The Tough Incumbent
11/30/2018 No. 1: The Tough Incumbent Answer No, just covers marginal costs, and loses fixed cost of K November 30, 2018

12 No. 2: Price Competitors E believes and E and I will compete on price
11/30/2018 No. 2: Price Competitors E believes and E and I will compete on price More precisely, an outcome of their interaction will be a situation in which E is happy with her price, given I’s price, and vice versa. Will E enter? November 30, 2018

13 No. 2: Price Competitors Answer Probably not.
11/30/2018 No. 2: Price Competitors Answer Probably not. Most natural outcome of this process, called Bertrand competition, is P = c. Lowering prices slightly diverts the entire market to the seller and increases profits. This repeats scenario 1 outcome and no reason to enter November 30, 2018

14 No. 3: Quantity Competitors
11/30/2018 No. 3: Quantity Competitors Switch from prices to quantities (Cournot competition) Look for an outcome in which E is happy with her quantity, given I’s quantity, and vice versa. Will E enter? November 30, 2018

15 No. 3: Quantity Competitors
11/30/2018 No. 3: Quantity Competitors Answer Specify demand curve: P = a – bQ End point: Firms will enter until all profits are gone (zero profits condition) November 30, 2018

16 How many firms will enter?
11/30/2018 How many firms will enter? With cost function and demand curve, solution has form November 30, 2018

17 Bottom Line Duh: Answer depends on precise values But
11/30/2018 Bottom Line Duh: Answer depends on precise values But Depending on competition assumptions, Bertrand v. Cournot, good chance that we will have more than one firm competing Remember, this is in a case where the lowest cost way to produce every quantity of output is by having a single firm November 30, 2018

18 11/30/2018 Bottom Line So, key point, natural monopoly costs will not necessarily give rise to a monopoly at all November 30, 2018

19 11/30/2018 Evaluating Entry Are we better off or worse off as a result of this entry? Pros Entry buys us competition Cons Comes at cost of duplicative investment in fixed-cost infrastructure November 30, 2018

20 November 30, 2018 11th U.S. Census (1890)

21 November 30, 2018 11th U.S. Census (1890)

22 November 30, 2018 11th U.S. Census (1890)

23 Historical Background
11/30/2018 Historical Background Creation of Express Service Started in 1839 Provide a superior class of service for items of sufficient value to justify a higher level of care Express company would contract with a railroad to attach a car or to arrange for space in a car November 30, 2018

24 Historical Background
11/30/2018 Historical Background Express company would take full responsibility Service offered on a daily basis Interconnected Network Created Key companies—the Adams, the American, the United States and the Southern—divide market between them and arrange connection handoffs. November 30, 2018

25 Adams Express Co. Shippers’ Guide (1890)
November 30, 2018

26 Adams Express Co. Shippers’ Guide (1890)
November 30, 2018

27 Boston Newspaper, Feb. 23, 1839 (from Stimson, History of the Express Business, 1881, p.34)
November 30, 2018

28 Contractual Arrangements with Railroads
11/30/2018 Contractual Arrangements with Railroads William Harnden and the Boston & New York Transportation Company Assigned 150 cubic feet on daily basis to Harnden for a payment of $250 per month Terminable upon the giving of one month’s notice November 30, 2018

29 1875 Map of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway (the Katy)
11/30/2018 Source: 1875 Map of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway (the Katy) November 30, 2018

30 History of the Adams Express Company
Here November 30, 2018

31 Contractual Arrangements with Railroads
11/30/2018 Contractual Arrangements with Railroads Adams Express and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company Executed on November 23, 1871 November 30, 2018

32 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 1 “The Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company will furnish for the use of the Adams Express Company one car each way on its line from Sedalia, Missouri, via Parsons, Kansas, to Junction City, Kansas, to be hauled on a passenger train each day that a passenger train is to run over the line.” November 30, 2018

33 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 1 “The car to be used exclusively by the Adams Express Company, but not to carry at any one time an excess of seven tons of freight. The charges by the express company to its patrons to be not less than one and one-half first-class rates of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company at the time, as per its freight tariff.” November 30, 2018

34 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 1 “The express car, as well as all express matter carried over the road in any baggage or other car, to be in charge of one agent or messenger of the express company on each train, who is to be carried free.” November 30, 2018

35 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 3 “As part compensation to the railway company for the privileges furnished by it, as herein provided, the express company will pay to the railway company monthly $100 per day for each and every day that trains are run over the railway, or any part thereof.” November 30, 2018

36 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 4 “As part consideration it is also agreed that the express company shall carry the money and valuable packages belonging to the railway company over the line of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway free of charge,” November 30, 2018

37 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 4 “and for all matter going to or coming from points beyond the line of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway the express company will charge not exceeding two-thirds of its regular rate for such business; …” November 30, 2018

38 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 5 “The railway company agree, further, that they will not carry freight or packages for pay in their baggage cars on passenger trains, nor allow their conductors or baggage masters or other employees to do so, during the existence of this agreement,” November 30, 2018

39 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 5 “nor will they allow any other company, firm, or person the privilege of carrying freight on their passenger trains at any less rate of payment per day, or any greater weight in a car, or upon any better terms in any way, than is granted to said express company under this agreement.” November 30, 2018

40 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 6 “It is understood that as the line of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway is extended south from the Arkansas river similar accommodations will be furnished for an express business, as herein above provided, at a reasonably increased cost, to be paid by the express company, as shall hereafter be agreed upon.” November 30, 2018

41 The Adams-Katy Contract
Paragraph 7 “This agreement to take effect on the first day of December, A.D. 1871, and continue in force for one year thereafter, and until thirty days’ notice shall have been given to the other by the party desiring to terminate same.” November 30, 2018

42 Conflict with Railroads
11/30/2018 Conflict with Railroads After nine years, railroads announce intention to terminate the contract and enter the express business. Express company filed suit and received preliminary injunction continuing access right. Duty to carry at “just and reasonable rate of compensation” November 30, 2018

43 Sources of Interconnection Obligations
11/30/2018 Sources of Interconnection Obligations Constitutions Statutes Common law status Contract November 30, 2018

44 SIC: Constitutions Missouri Constitution
11/30/2018 SIC: Constitutions Missouri Constitution Declared railroads “public highways” and railroads “common carriers” November 30, 2018

45 SIC: Constitutions Sec. 23 stated that
11/30/2018 SIC: Constitutions Sec. 23 stated that No discrimination in charges or facilities in transportation shall be made between transportation companies and individuals, or in favor of either, by abatement, drawback, or otherwise, and no railroad company, or any lessee, manager, or employee thereof, shall make any preference in furnishing cars or motive power. November 30, 2018

46 SIC: Statutes: Kansas Sec. 55
11/30/2018 SIC: Statutes: Kansas Sec. 55 Every railway corporation in this state which now is, or may hereafter be, engaged in the transportation of persons or property, shall give public notice of the regular time of starting and running its cars, and shall furnish sufficient accommodations for the transportation of all such passengers, baggage, mails, and express freight November 30, 2018

47 11/30/2018 SIC: Statutes: Kansas as shall, within a reasonable time previous thereto, be offered for transportation at the place of starting, at the junction of other roads, and at the several stopping places; and they are hereby required to stop all trains carrying passengers at the junction or intersection of other railways a sufficient length of time to allow the transfer of November 30, 2018

48 11/30/2018 SIC: Statutes: Kansas passengers, personal baggage, mails, and express freight from the trains or railways so connecting or intersecting, or they may mutually arrange for the transportation of such persons and property over both roads without change of cars; November 30, 2018

49 11/30/2018 SIC: Statutes: Kansas and they shall be compelled to receive all passengers and freight from such connecting and intersecting roads whenever the same shall be delivered to them November 30, 2018

50 SIC: Contract and Status
11/30/2018 SIC: Contract and Status Contract The starting and ending point here Common law status (“Common Carrier”) Non-discrimination duties with passengers and freight Why not with express companies as well? November 30, 2018

51 Usage Key Court Language
11/30/2018 Usage Key Court Language “The right of the express companies to a decree depends upon their showing the existence of a usage, having the force of law in the express business, which requires railroad companies to carry all express companies on their passenger trains as express carriers are usually carried.” November 30, 2018

52 11/30/2018 Usage “It is not enough to establish a usage to carry some express company, or to furnish the public in some way with the advantages of an express business over the road. The question is not whether these railroad companies must furnish the general public with reasonable express facilities, but whether they must carry these particular express carriers for the purpose of enabling them to do an express business over the lines.” November 30, 2018

53 11/30/2018 Usage “In all these voluminous records there is not a syllable of evidence to show a usage for the carriage of express companies on the passenger trains of railroads unless specially contracted for.” November 30, 2018

54 11/30/2018 Distinguishing … “If the general public were complaining because the railroad companies refused to carry express matter themselves on their passenger trains, or to allow it to be carried by others, different questions would be presented. As it is, we have only to decide whether these particular express companies must be carried notwithstanding the termination of their special contract rights.” November 30, 2018

55 U.S. Bureau of the Census, Express Business in the United States (1907)
November 30, 2018

56 U.S. Bureau of the Census, Express Business in the United States (1907)
November 30, 2018

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