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World Power.

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1 World Power

2 Foreign Policy Isolationism Expansionism
Non-involvement in world affairs Advocated by George Washington in Farewell Address Expansionism Adding territories to the nation Advocated by Alfred Thayer Mahan & Theodore Roosevelt

3 Age of Imperialism a. Why did nations form empires?
To gain raw materials and markets for their industrial economies b. What reasons did Americans use to justify their mission and empire? “lift up the world” with Western civilization spread Christianity

4 Alaska In 1867, US purchases Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million
“Seward’s Folly”

5 Pacific Islands

6 Pacific Empire Hawaii Samoa
8 “large” islands that are 2,000 miles west of California American planters lead revolt against island’s ruler 1900 U.S. annexes Hawaii as a territory Samoa Islands are 3,000 miles south of Hawaii U.S. competes with Germany and Britain for islands In 1899, three powers agree to deal that splits up Pacific islands

7 China divided up by European “sphere of influence”

8 The Boxer Rebellion

9 Pacific Empire China Japan
European powers have divided China into “spheres of influence” U.S. wants a part of China & proposes Open Door Policy Chinese rebel but U.S. and other powers defeat “the Boxers” in 1899 Japan In 1905, Russia and Japan fight a war Treaty of Portsmouth (NH) ends war Japan and U.S. become rivals for power in the Pacific Ocean

10 U.S.S. Maine


12 Spanish-American War 4. Spanish-American War
a. What reason did Americans use to declare war on Spain? The explosion on the battleship U.S.S. Maine was blamed on the Spanish President W. McKinley asks Congress for war

13 War in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea

14 Battle of Manila Bay

15 American Empire after Spanish American War

16 b. What territories did we gain after the war?
Cuba as a protectorate (sphere of influence) Puerto Rico Guam Philippines Spain was given $20 million for territories




20 c. What territory soon rebelled against American rule? Why?
Emilio Aquinaldo led a rebellion in the Philippines against American “invaders” 200,000 Filipinos are killed 4,000 Americans Island becomes independent in 1946


22 Latin America Panama Canal
– Did the U.S. have the right to build the Panama Canal? (p )



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