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World History and Geography OHS

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1 World History and Geography 2011-2012 OHS
The Black Death World History and Geography OHS

2 What is the “Black Death?”
Plague – a global epidemic disease that causes high mortality rate. The “Black Death” -> Plague in Europe in the 14th century One of the most deadly, but not the only plague recorded.

3 The Symptoms Black bruises and swelling
Heavy sweats and convulsive coughing Often victims stank, spat blood and died painfully.

4 Where did the Black Plague come from?
Came from China and spread westward through Middle East into Eastern Europe.

5 Spreading the Black Death

6 Spreading the Black Death
Rat infested cities in China Traders carried plague infested fleas from the rats Traders then came to Europe and brought the Black Death


8 Social Effects of the Black Plague
Increased questioning of the Catholic Church “Why did God spare some and save others?”

9 Economic Effects of the Black Death
Trade Decreases Peasants and artisans lose jobs and land Wages decrease People, poor and afraid of the Black Death, rise up and fight for power.

10 Death Toll Estimated to have killed around 30% of Europe’s population
1 out of every 3 people Killed millions in China and across the Middle East At peak, killed 7,000 people a day


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