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Introduction to Satire

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1 Introduction to Satire
The Canterbury Tales

2 Satire The blend of a disapproving attitude with humor and wit in order to affect change in human institutions (government, school, etc.) and humanity (individual people). Six devices of satire exist.

3 Mockery Mockery diminishes its subject by evoking laughter or scorn.
Example: When someone has a really strong accent and you make fun of him by imitating that accent and making it even more ridiculously extreme, this is an example of mockery. A parody of a soap opera that makes fun of how seriously it takes itself is an example of a mockery. Colbert Report, SNL skits, Key & Peele , The Onion, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Scary Movie, etc.

4 Dramatic Reading of a Breakup Letter

5 Mockery Examples Ellen/Matthew McConaughey’s commercial
SNL “Beygency”

6 Parody Parody diminishes its subject through imitation and ridicule. Parodies traditionally imitate serious works or people who take themselves too seriously. The true craft of parody is minimal tampering. Examples: Al Yankovic songs, SNL skits, Key & Peele, etc.

7 Saturday Night Live

8 Verbal Irony Verbal irony presents a double meaning in which you say something and mean another. Essentially, it is the use of opposites. Example: “There was no reason for the marriage to fail” following a list of all the reasons the individuals are incompatible. When someone comments on the great weather outside and it’s raining.

9 Mean Girls

10 Sarcasm An expression of strong disapproval, sarcasm is personal, jeering, and typically intended to hurt. Can be considered a kind of verbal irony Example: In Act I, scene i of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Sampson claims, “I strike quickly being moved,” and a few lines later, Gregory responds, “To move is to stir; and to be valiant is to stand: / therefore, if thou art moved, thou runn’st away.”

11 Big Bang Theory

12 Understatement Understatement is a figure of speech in which you say less than what you mean. Example: Chaucer describes his Nun: “She never let a crumb fall from her mouth.”

13 Monty Python and the Holy Grail

14 Overstatement Overstatement is hyperbole, exaggerating by saying more than you mean. Example: “All of them feared him as they feared the plague,” Chaucer says of his Reeve.

15 The Colbert Report

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