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Asist. Prof. Dr. Duygu FIRAT Asist. Prof.. Dr. Şenol HACIEFENDİOĞLU

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Asist. Prof. Dr. Duygu FIRAT Asist. Prof.. Dr. Şenol HACIEFENDİOĞLU Kocaeli Üniversitesi

2 Blog is the name extended from weblog concept which is the combination of “web” and “log” words in English and also blog can be defined as a web site on which someone writes about personal opinions, activities or experiences without any technical information ( tr. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Blog). 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

3 Blogs are being used as a promotional tool for businesses
Blogs are being used as a promotional tool for businesses. Businesses are set up their own businesses or sponsored to other blogs or give an advertisement to other blogs. Personal/ thematically/ community bloggers intentionally or unintentionally made advertising of products/ services/ businesses/ brands by sharing their positive/ negative experiences and voluntarily building public relations to businesses. All of these affected intentionally or unintentionally consumers purchase decision making processes or attitude toward a brand . Therefore, blogs entered to marketing literature as a source of information resource which affect consumer behavior. Areas where blog marketing used in marketing summarized below (Kaya, 2010, 51): 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

4 Businesses can increase their visibilities with blog marketing.
By means of blog, marketing businesses can communicate directly with their consumers. Through blogs, businesses can learn what the consumers that live all around the world talking about their products, brands, services, campaigns. Comments on products, brands and services can affect consumers’ purchasing decision. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

5 Purpose of The Study The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of consumers’ purchasing behavior on post-purchasing behavior in blog sites. In this context, effect of blog sites on consumers purchasing decision was examined and found out purchasing decision process at what degree effect on post-purchase behavior. This study included social media users who use blog sites. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

6 Problems Of The Study What is the effect of blog sites on purchasing decisions? How do the emerging of need revealed by blog sites effect post-purchase behavior in blog sites? Are searching information from blogs and determination of alternatives by using blogs effected post-purchase behavior in blog sites? At what level did evaluation of alternatives affect post-purchase behavior in blog sites? What is the effect of purchasing decision on post-purchase behavior in blog sites? 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya Problems of study are listed below:

7 Model of The Study Model and hypothesis have been generated within the framework of the purpose of the study. As seen at Figure model of the study showed the effect of consumers’ purchasing decision dimensions on post-purchase behavior in blog sites. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya Model and hypothesis have been generated within the framework of the purpose of the study. As seen Figure 1 model of the study showed the effect of consumers’ purchasing decision dimensions on post-purchase behavior in blog sites.

8 Hypothesis of Study H1: Emerging of need has positive effect on post-purchase behaviors. H2: Information searching and determination of alternatives have positive effect on post-purchase behaviors. H3: Evaluation of alternatives has positive effect on post-purchase behaviors. H4: Purchasing decision has positive effect on post-purchase behaviors. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya Hypothesis of study was generated as below:

9 Sampling Process This study was conducted within the scope of Kocaeli University students who use blog sites and social media. This segment who selected for the study’s application uses social media actively. Convenience sampling method was used for selection of sample. Survey forms are evaluated missing, incorrect and unsuitable questionnaire to be removed for the next stages, after that 392 questionnaire evaluated. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

10 Method Of Data Gathering
As the study is an applied research survey form has been prepared after necessary adaptions which are suitable with the purpose and subject of study. Literature review was done regarding with research scale oriented towards study’s application (Morgan and Hunt, 1994, 20–38; Parlak, 2010, 87–109; Anderson et al. 2007, 1–48). The survey comprised two sections. In first section, demographic characteristics of respondents, membership of blog sites, how achieved the blog which is visited, entering frequency and time spending in blog were examined. In the second section there were 32 questions that examined consumers purchase decision dimensions and post-purchase behaviors. The items in the second section were measured using a Likert Scale Scale (1 = absolutely disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = absolutely agree). In application face to face survey was used and after that data was collected. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

11 Analysis of Data SPSS 15.0 Statistic Software Program was used to evaluate the collected data. Reliability analysis was used to test the reliability of the study’s scale. On the other hand means and standard deviations of study’s variables were estimated and correlation analysis was performed to reveal the relations between variables. Regression analysis was run to reveal the effect of independent variables on dependent variables and results were evaluated. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

12 Demographic Characteristics of Participants
58% of participants were female and 42% were male. 54% of participants were aged between 18–22, 44% 23–27 and 2% were aged 28 and above 28. Consequently it seen that participants of study are young. This situation is important from the standpoint of study sample. This segment used more active and efficient than others. Also, it has seen that 27% of participants spend below 500 TL, 52% 501 TL–1 000 TL, 12% TL–1 500 TL, 4% TL–2 000 TL and 5% above TL. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

13 Reliability Of Variables
The study consists of five groups; one dependent and four independent variables. The results of reliability analysis and the number of item variables are shown in Table. Cronbach Alpha test was conducted to test whole scale of study’s scale Cronbach Alpha value was 0, 92 for whole scale. On the other hand, reliability analysis was run for the each variables of study and results are as shown Table (emerging of need 0, 86, information search and determination of alternatives 0, 71, evaluation of alternatives 0, 71, purchase decision 0, 79 and post-purchase behavior 0, 80). According to the results of reliability analysis it seen that scale is reliable both as a whole and reliable for each variable. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya The study consists of five groups; one dependent and four independent variables. The results of reliability analysis and the number of item variables are shown in Table 1. Cronbach Alpha test was conducted to test whole scale of study’s scale and it seen that Cronbach Alpha value was 0, 92. On the other hand, reliability analysis was run for the each variables of study and results are as shown Table 1 (emerging of need 0, 86, information search and determination of alternatives 0, 71, evaluation of alternatives 0, 71, purchase decision 0, 79 and post-purchase behavior 0, 80). According to the results of reliability analysis it seen that scale is reliable both as a whole and reliable for each variable.

14 Analysis of Study Study constituted one dependent variable (post-purchase behavior) and four independent variables (emerging of need, information search and determination of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives and purchasing decision). Multiple regression analysis was used to test the effect of independent variables on dependent variable. The results of the multiple regression analysis are shown in Table . As to the results of multiple regression analysis it determined that R value is 0,696 and adjusted R2 is 0,478. Also, it was found that F value is 90,686 and held at 1% significance level. According to these results, it is proved that the study is highly reliable. According to results seen at Table independent variables named “emerging of need”, “information search and determination of alternatives”, “evaluation of alternatives” and “purchasing decision” have a significance effect on dependent variable named “post-purchase behavior” in blog sites. As seen all hypothesis are accepted. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya Study constituted one dependent variable (post-purchase behavior) and four independent variables (emerging of need, information search and determination of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives and purchasing decision). Multiple regression analysis was used to test the effect of independent variables on dependent variable. The results of the multiple regression analysis are shown in Table 4. As to the results of multiple regression analysis it determined that R value is 0,696 and adjusted R2 is 0,478. Also, it was found that F value is 90,686 and held at 1% significance level. According to these results, it is proved that the study is highly reliable. According to results seen at Table independent variables named “emerging of need”, “information search and determination of alternatives”, “evaluation of alternatives” and “purchasing decision” have a significance effect on dependent variable named “post-purchase behavior” in blog sites. As seen all hypothesis are accepted.

15 Conclusions, Suggestions and Limitations
It is important to evaluate this study that aimed to research the post-purchase behavior of consumer who use blog sites and give purchasing decision with the effect of these sites. For this purpose, effect of purchasing decision dimension on post-purchase behavior of blog users was investigated. It is possible to summarize the conclusion and suggestions of the study below: Emerging of need effect post-purchase behavior in blog sites at the important level. It is necessary to reveal need for product, provide making efficient interpretations and feeling need and awakened needs by means of making effective product promotion for the consumers that use blog sites. On the other hand, efforts should be made to hang around blog sites. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

16 Another factor that positively affects post-purchase of behavior in blog sites is information searching and determination of alternatives. It is necessary to make blog sites attractive, provide asking and answering questions in these blog sites for searching information from blog sites. Keeping adequate information about brands, retaining reliable comments and giving courage to blog users to make satisfying comments should be provided. Also, it determined that providing blog sites popularity effects positively like behaviors post-purchase behavior. Another result be found in the study is that consumer’s evaluation of alternatives affects positively post-purchase decision. Therefore, it is important to provide reading commendations in blog sites and allowing evaluate alternative brands by consumers. However, using independent blog sites should be effective in evaluating alternative brands with the businesses’ corporate blogs. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

17 It emerged that purchasing decision has positive effect on post-purchase behavior in blog sites and also it is the most effective factor. As to this, reliability of brand commendations and making satisfying commendations must be provided. Also, it will be important being satisfy after purchasing comments in blog sites. In addition, factors such as the content of the blog site should also be noted that an important factor in purchasing decisions. When results of study evaluated generally; it has been found that purchasing decision one of the dimensions of purchasing decision process is the most effective dimension on post-purchase decision. It has been determined that information searching and determination of alternatives is important secondly, emerging of need thirdly and evaluation of alternatives fourthly effective factor on post-purchase decision. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

18 It should be said that doing the study scope of university students, time and cost factors are the limitations of study. This research in term of results should provide extremely important contributions to businesses for marketing strategies and politics. Especially, in recent years, as an important and effective marketing environment in social media thereby in blog sites investigation of working of consumer’s purchasing decision dimensions and effect of these dimensions on post-purchase behavior can lead to businesses. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

19 Thanks a lot for your patience.
Thanks a lot for your patience. 21st Marketing Congress, October , 2016, Kütahya

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