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STAR ACADEMY SANDYFORD 2022 Vision for PE,Sport and Health

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1 STAR ACADEMY SANDYFORD 2022 Vision for PE,Sport and Health

2 STAR ACADEMY SANDYFORD 2022 Vision for PE,Sport and Health
ALL pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. Engagement of ALL pupils in regular physical activity Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to pupils Profile of PE and sport raised for whole school improvement Increased participation in competitive sport Health of the pupils/school community Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PE and sport Objective: To achieve self sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport that will live on beyond PE and sport funding.

3 Engagement of All pupils in regular physical activity.
2 hours provision of high quality P.E. Lesson observations for P.E. inc external coaches. PEDPASS – links to assessment. Appropriate equipment for every child inc. SEN. Training for LSA’s Zonal areas for the playground. Change for life clubs. Targeted interventions for P.E. Blocks of swimming. ICT assessment – Earwig.

4 Increased participation in competitive sports.
Town/City involvement. L1/2 school games. Use of Intra House Games/Competitions. Healthy Schools Week – collapse the curriculum MAT – school friendliness Sports Leaders from high schools. SGO links. Focus groups – Obesity - GTT

5 Broader experience of a range of sports offered to pupils.
* Sports council Visits to sports settings – SCFC, Velodrome, Ski-ing. Higher ability children identified. Residential visits. Reasons why we do the link to these sport. Decide which games/sports/competitions we take part in. Links with Dimensions and Waterworld. Links with Kidsgrove Athletics and Sandyford Cricket Club.

6 Health of pupils and school Community.
Daily Mile/Daily Waddle Pottermus activity Active Homework bags 30 minutes activity in and out of school. Voluntary Health rating Healthy Lunch Boxes Health linked to themes. How can we link physical activity to our planning/themes? Parental Involvement. ‘This Girl Can’ campaign

7 Profile of PE and sport raised for whole school development.
Sports uniform/Staff uniform Sporting awards Premier League 4 Principles Schools games mark – BSG? Links to SCFC (and other clubs) in the Academy Use of social media/website Special Invite club for the less active Impact on attendance and achievement House system Collapse curriculum days Active rewards for behaviour treats Reading stars National Sports week Governor involvement Active maths/literacy

8 Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PE and sport.
Planning LTP/PEDPASS PE planning file CPD staff – all sports Audit of staff – create actions from this. Premier league award acquired for all staff Greater understanding of assessment and differentiation. Sharing of good practise Use of video technology to share goof practice. Use of PLPS planning tools and videos.

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