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Advancing towards a unified European Railway Operation

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1 Railways@Crossover December 6th, Brussels
Advancing towards a unified European Railway Operation Josema Cavanillas Research & Innovation Director Alicia Garcia –Transport & MRS Director, Atos Research & Innovation Juanjo Ruiz – Chief Consultant PHT, Atos Consulting

2 One Railway Operation for Citizens and Goods
Powering your train Introducing Atos Our Vision on current Railway Challenges iCargo and SITME The Railroad Ahead Key Message proposal: Collaboration is a key factor in our Smart City approach One Railway Operation for Citizens and Goods

3 Introducing Atos Atos is an international information technology services company, delivering hi-tech transactional services, consulting, systems integration and managed services. Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. It is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic Games and is quoted on the Paris Eurolist Market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting & Technology Services, Atos Worldline and Atos Worldgrid. Annual revenues of € 8,6 billion (pro-forma 2010) Almost 74,000 business technologists worldwide in 42 countries Worldwide headquarters in Bezons / Paris, France Atos was established on July 1st 2011, following the successful integration of Atos Origin and Siemens IT Solutions and Services and the establishment of a global strategic partnership with Siemens AG

4 Powering progress At Atos we strive to create the firm of the future. We believe that bringing together people, technology and business is the way forward. Every day we power sustainable progress for our clients and partners, the wider community and ourselves. It is our unique approach as business technologists that makes this possible. Thierry Breton, CEO Atos

5 From local offices to global powerhouse

6 IT Strategy to IT Services
IT services to support customers’ top line growth for their: Competitive positioning Time to Market Innovation Atos answers: Industry expertise HTTS portfolio roll out Key Offerings, Atos WorldGrid ISRM, Civil & National Security BUSINESS CRITICAL IT Be the world leader in Critical IT services IT services for support systems delivering: Lower TCO’s Standardization Pay as you Go Agility & Reliability Atos answers: Global factories, Global tooling Offshore ramp up, Atos Sphere FUNDAMENTAL IT Be the European leader in Cloud

7 From critical IT to business support
Technology Services Consulting & Integration Systems Transforming business through innovation leveraging Information Technologies Delivering seamless business systems Advancing business strategy through innovative processing solutions Transforming IT infrastructure and business operations revenues Transactional Services Managed Services

8 Our vision on Railway Challenges

9 A non-technological Challenge
Europe is facing a set of serious issues which lay in the way of a unified operation. Some of these are: Widths Voltages/Power Rules and laws Different central traffic management systems Fee schemes

10 How can technology help?
There are several work fields that should be investigated for achieving coordinating operation: Railway Infrastructure Vehicle Services Added Services to Passengers Added Services for freight And also…

11 …and there’s also OUTER SPACE!
Is there intelligent life out there?

12 OUTER SPACE Connection of vehicle and infrastructure with external sources, multiple nature, multiple countries. Especially important for ensuring safety to staff. The passenger pursues to reach his destination, railway is one more mean.

13 Our projects iCargo and SITME

14 iCargo – Intelligent Cargo in Efficient and Sustainable Logistic Operations
The iCargo project aims at advancing and extending the use of ICT to support new logistics services that: synchronize vehicle movements and logistics operations to lower CO2 emissions, provide dynamic planning methods involving intelligent cargo, vehicle and infrastructure systems combine services, resources and information from different stakeholders, taking part in an open freight management ecosystem. iCargo’s main features are: involves representatives of the main stakeholders in three main areas of activity: Counts on leading ICT companies and institutes. It is focused on carrying out three extensive pilots in end-to-end multi-actor intermodal chains. Will perform extensive dissemination aimed at transferring iCargo results to the international transport logistics community.

15 iCargo – Approach Logistics Companies
Impact creation: demonstration, assessment, dissemination, business modelling, exploitation Logistics users Large scale end-to-end pilots Co-modal CO2 optimization New low-CO2 services offer, Better utilization of resources Optimized solutions for environmental efficiency Dynamic planning with real-time info Intelligent Cargo Open cooperative architecture Common Framework Higher penetration of ICT-based services in the logistics market Less GHG emissions, Less traffic Community ICT for Transport Research & Industry 15

16 iCargo – The idea visualized
Logistic Services Cooperative freight business ecosystem Shipper Authority Dynamic multi-actor plans Interoperable cargo, vehicle and infrastructure Cargo Real-time automated event management Field user Infrastructure Vehicle Planner Forwarder Customs Distributor Distrib. Planner Consortium details Wat leveren wij en de anderen Hoe is de samenwerking ingeregeld Verantwoordelijkheden partners Carrier Terminal Carrier Terminal Distr. Center Local Carrier Traffic Mgmt Shipment Pallet Container Container Truck Package Truck Package Origin Truck Ship Field operator Infra- structure Destination Shipment from factory Long haul transport Road transport In-city delivery

17 iCargo – The Technical Concept
Freight Management Objects Traffic Management Objects Other Domains Objects Transport Service Vehicle Route CO2 footprint TEP Network Order TES Flow Generic Service Objects Semantic Web Objects Engage, cooperate, disengage Cross-domain service Semantic mediation Obj. Discovery Settlement Ontology Composition Services Interaction Protocols Search Payment Smart gateways Sensor Comm. unit Roads. unit Container Device Sensor Gate Sensor Pallet Tag GPS Intelligent Cargo Objects Intelligent Vehicle Objects Infrastructure Objects

18 Pilot 1: Sea-City-Air-Rail (SCAR) door-to-door service
The SCAR pilot will show simplified and more energy-efficient management of freight flows in transnational Rail/Multimodal corridors, by: replacing complex business process interactions of the partners with bottom-up adaptive interoperability of the first/last mile urban/interurban smart distribution with Rail, Air, Sea and Road freight traffic; introducing on-going dynamic control for energy/emissions reduction based on independent intelligent units (“iUnit”) on both the cargo and vehicle. supplying a corridor oriented ICT infrastructure for logistics/transport service providers allowing the dynamic cargo/means management

19 SITME – Intelligent System for MEtropolitan Transport
SITME is an Open Source system developed by Atos in Galicia, North-West Spain. It starts from the idea that the whole region is a Metropolis, and its goal is to manage the information of offer and demand of passenger transport. Its data model has allowed: To complete the integration of transport means different from bus, like ship and rail. To integrate urban, metropolitan and regional transport operations. To issue transport tickets which are common to several means. To integrate its own payment system with other payment systems like urban cards. To encompass the different fee schemes within a “single ticket” approach.

20 SITME – going further Based on the experience we have acquired and the evolution of technologies, we have established the growth of SITME towards: The definition of a multimodal embedded platform with standardized communications, powered by a multi-application implementation under GPL licence. The migration of the data model used in SITME to a real-time information 3D GIS environment. The operational integration of other fleets and surface transport means (school transport, ambulances, civil protection, firemen, light underground and Tramway) in the real-time information management system.

21 Railway Operation Integration
The Operation integration is a great opportunity for Europe. Atos is ready to be a key actor in that opportunity, as it creates value for an ICT system integrator cementing the partnership with Siemens. Atos is a leader in Systems integration Managed Operations R&D Operations & Consulting Siemens is a leader in Energy technologies Transport Machinery Atos & Siemens The ideal alliance for Europe

22 The railroad forward Train is >the< low carbon solution for transport in Europe. Operations should be coordinated and advancing to unification. IT can help. Atos is a key partner for building the future European Railway Operation.

23 Josema Cavanillas Thank you
Atos, the Atos logo, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldline, Atos Sphere, Atos Cloud and Atos WorldGrid are registered trademarks of Atos SA. June 2011 © 2011 Atos. Confidential information owned by Atos, to be used by the recipient only. This document, or any part of it, may not be reproduced, copied, circulated and/or distributed nor quoted without prior written approval from Atos.

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