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Year 6 Curriculum 2016 – 2017 Autumn Term
Welcome to Year 6. We look forward to working with your child over the course of their last year at primary school! If you have any concerns or worries, please contact us at school. Mr Stafford & Mr O’Hara, Year 6 teachers English – we will be studying fiction and non-fiction literature. We will be looking at different genres of fiction and poetry. There will be lots of opportunities for writing across the curriculum and there may be homework set to help your child prepare for some writing tasks. Guided Reading will take place each week and your child should be reading each evening from their school library book or from a library book at home. Reading newspapers and magazines would also be very helpful. We would like you to sign and date your child’s reading record when they have read with you. Spellings will be sent home each Friday as part of your child’s homework. They need to know all the words from Y3/4 as well as those for Y5/6. all words can be found in the Reading Record. Good quality handwriting and presentation is important and we hope that many children will begin to use a pen. Our shared class text is ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio. This will be used as a key part of our English lessons each week. RE - we will be following ‘The Way, The Truth & The Life’ scheme of work. The topics we will be studying are ‘The Kingdom of God’ and ‘Justice.’ The children will have opportunities to take part in Collective Worship, planning masses and assemblies. We will be the first class to lead an assembly on Friday 23rd September. You are welcome to join us. Maths – we will be building on work done in previous years at school. We will continue to learn about place value, the 4 rules of number, interpreting graphs, shape and space, problem solving and measurement. Your child will receive homework tasks to do at home to ensure that they practise what they have learnt in class. In particular working on number problems and regular revision of times tables up to 12x is vital. They have login details for SumDog (an interactive maths game) which can be accessed at home.
Science – this term we will be looking at Light
Science – this term we will be looking at Light. The children will investigate how light travels and how we see things because light reflects into our eyes. At all times the children will work scientifically – taking measurements, recording data and using results to make predictions. They will have the opportunity to record their findings in a variety of ways. Creative Learning Journey (CLJ) – our history topic is based on ‘The Ancient Egyptians. We will locate ancient Egypt and consider what life would have been like. The children will learn about life in Egypt, their pyramids, Gods and mummies through observing artefacts. The CLJ encompasses the teaching and learning of History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology, Music. If you have any books or other objects that we could use we would be most grateful. We are looking into the possibility of a visit. Computing – we will be focussing on creating Multimedia Presentations using a range of programs in ICT as well as working on programming through using Scratch and other related software. Lots of the work in Computing will be based on the Creative Learning Journey. Two groups will be attending WOW zone after school on Tuesdays. Homework will be given on Friday and should be returned on Wednesday. In Year 6, there is an expectation that children will do homework for approximately 2 hours a week. This year, homework is essential for high school transition and in support of their classwork. PE – PE will take place on Thursday (Dance/Gym) and Friday (Games). Please ensure your child has the correct kit (including trainers) on the day as this contributes towards your child's attitude assessment.
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