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A firm foundation Among the lowest crime & utility rates

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1 A firm foundation Among the lowest crime & utility rates
Among the best water/air quality ratings Among the lowest costs of living Among the lowest property tax rates No state income, pers. prop. or wheel tax Consistently rated a “best place” to live An excellent public education system A college scholarship program First region named All America City Home to award-winning Marriott hotel Nestled in the Appalachian foothills Located at confluence of I-81 and I-26 Full service airport / 6 hubs Foreign Trade Zone status Host to national AAU tournaments Fun Fest (a Southern Living top festival) National Keep America Beautiful award Tennessee’s only First Night A multi-year winner of Tree City USA Community of vision/Kingsport Tomorrow A professional, proactive City government East Tennessee State University Midway between U.T. & Virginia Tech

2 Vision & leadership Economic Summit November 3-4, 1999
60 Community Leaders Local Government, Business, Community/Neighborhood, State/Regional Visioning and Strategic Planning Consensus Building Groundbreaking

3 Partnerships…for shared success
State & Region Business Community Local Government Community & Neighborhood CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CITY OF KINGSPORT KINGSPORT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD Board of Mayor and Aldermen Boards of Education City Boards and Commissions TN Economic/Community Development Phipps Bend Joint Venture Sullivan County Airport NE TN Valley RIDA Kingsport Tomorrow KHRA DKA KRIDS Model City Coalition Neighborhood Council Small Business Council Kingsport Convention & Visitors Bureau Economic Development Council The Economic Development Partnership Of Kingsport

4 Outcomes First Steps and Stewards
Northeast State Technical Community College Keith Wilson Redevelopment Dave Clark Infrastructure Jeff Fleming Entrepreneurial organization Ray Griffin Information technology Dave Sieg Small business Bob Arrington Web site development John Williams Sports tourism and conventions Jenny Seguin Economic development structure Miles Burdine Adopt assumptions of economic development Possible “First Steps” Stewards should recruit team members as necessary. A representative from each of the Triad Partners (City, Chamber, KEDB) should be a part of each team. 1.      Promote plan for Northeast State Technical Community College ·         Develop and approve tuition scholarship program ·         Develop downtown campus STEWARD: KEITH WILSON  2.      Investigate redevelopment opportunities ·         Establish committee to review redevelopment possibilities that both promote economic growth and add to entry level housing stock ·         Determine geographic focus areas (not limited to downtown) STEWARD: DAVE CLARK 3.      Identify infrastructure improvements necessary to promote economic development ·         Identify key development areas ·         Examine status of utilities & roads ·         Determine finance/budget implications ·         Examine non-City infrastructure, such as telecommunications, power, fiber optics STEWARD: JEFF FLEMING 4.      Develop customer-oriented, entrepreneurial organization that makes decisions based on principles/philosophy rather than rules ·         Develop principles/philosophy ·         Review city building and zoning codes, administrative policies, traffic engineering standards, tree/landscape policies, environmental regulations, gateway ordinance, historic codes, water/sewer policies, sidewalk policies, street lighting policies, etc. ·         Consider overlapping effect of multiple departmental policies and those of outside agencies (power, gas, phone, cable, etc) on development ·         Report on areas of potential flexibility ·         Identify rules/regulations that are “mandatory” and those that are “optional” in order to determine potential areas of discretionary decision-making ·         Review organization/mandate of Boards and Commissions ·         Bring along partners (“Triad”) Þ      City (inc. staff, boards, commissions) Þ      Chamber (inc. EDC, KCVB) Þ      KEDB STEWARD: RAY GRIFFIN 5.      Identify ability to support/nurture Information technology businesses ·         Review/report on all types of information infrastructure, including fiber optic availability, telephone, power, cable ·         Create a geographic Venn diagram illustrating areas of positive overlap in information infrastructure (thus implying a logical geographic focus to information technology efforts) ·         Review /report on workforce development needs related to information technology ·         Determine financial/budget implications STEWARD: DAVE SIEG 6.      Investigate ways to better support/nurture small businesses ·         Identify ways to improve small business assistance services ·         Examine ways to support/enhance Baesystems incubator program ·         Examine geographic focus areas for small business development: business parks, downtown, redevelopment areas, farmers market STEWARD: BOB ARRINGTON 7.      Develop ‘cutting edge’ web site to promote Kingsport on the Internet ·         Review learnings from other cities provided by Benchmark/Research Subcommittee ·         Coordinate with information technology subcommittee to determine best high tech features and most user-friendly format ·         Establish start-up and operating costs ·         Develop ongoing steward of the site as well as update procedures STEWARD: JOHN WILLIAMS 8.      Explore opportunities to enhance city recreation/athletic facilities that will also help attract sports tourism and conventions ·         Refine prior work of KCVB and City Recreation Department regarding this subject ·         Coordinate with Kingsport City Schools and City’s Recreation Advisory Committee to prioritize facility needs ·         Conduct a review of unsuccessful bids to host events and establish learnings in order to determine facility needs ·         Develop preliminary capital needs for inclusion in City’s 5-Year Capital Improvements Program STEWARD: JENNY SEGUIN 9. Recommend official economic development structure ·         Define structure and reporting hierarchy ·         Determine if “Certified Economic Developer” is necessary ·         Determine additional facility/image needs, if any ·         Identify budgetary needs and any other costs STEWARD: MILES BURDINE 10.      Adopt “Assumptions of Economic Development” (Tab #11 in Economic Summit book) ·         Review assumptions ·         Present to Triad Partners for adoption

5 Successful cities… Have vigorous visionary leadership in their public and private sectors, which anticipates change and harnesses it to positive advantage. Welcome the information age and embrace the postindustrial era while providing ways for people to come together. Are driven by collaborative strategies. They find strength in diversity, partnership, and citizen participation in the community-building process. Think and act globally, regionally and locally. Leadership reaches from neighborhood to regional to global. They work within the framework of a new paradigm. Deliver services efficiently and cope effectively with urban problems such as security, education, housing, transportation, infrastructure, and environmental degradation. Have a vibrant central city, limit “bad” sprawl, and promote smart growth. Cityship creates “places worthy of our affection”. Bill Hudnut, Mayor of Indianapolis, Possible “First Steps” Stewards should recruit team members as necessary. A representative from each of the Triad Partners (City, Chamber, KEDB) should be a part of each team. 1.      Promote plan for Northeast State Technical Community College ·         Develop and approve tuition scholarship program ·         Develop downtown campus STEWARD: KEITH WILSON  2.      Investigate redevelopment opportunities ·         Establish committee to review redevelopment possibilities that both promote economic growth and add to entry level housing stock ·         Determine geographic focus areas (not limited to downtown) STEWARD: DAVE CLARK 3.      Identify infrastructure improvements necessary to promote economic development ·         Identify key development areas ·         Examine status of utilities & roads ·         Determine finance/budget implications ·         Examine non-City infrastructure, such as telecommunications, power, fiber optics STEWARD: JEFF FLEMING 4.      Develop customer-oriented, entrepreneurial organization that makes decisions based on principles/philosophy rather than rules ·         Develop principles/philosophy ·         Review city building and zoning codes, administrative policies, traffic engineering standards, tree/landscape policies, environmental regulations, gateway ordinance, historic codes, water/sewer policies, sidewalk policies, street lighting policies, etc. ·         Consider overlapping effect of multiple departmental policies and those of outside agencies (power, gas, phone, cable, etc) on development ·         Report on areas of potential flexibility ·         Identify rules/regulations that are “mandatory” and those that are “optional” in order to determine potential areas of discretionary decision-making ·         Review organization/mandate of Boards and Commissions ·         Bring along partners (“Triad”) Þ      City (inc. staff, boards, commissions) Þ      Chamber (inc. EDC, KCVB) Þ      KEDB STEWARD: RAY GRIFFIN 5.      Identify ability to support/nurture Information technology businesses ·         Review/report on all types of information infrastructure, including fiber optic availability, telephone, power, cable ·         Create a geographic Venn diagram illustrating areas of positive overlap in information infrastructure (thus implying a logical geographic focus to information technology efforts) ·         Review /report on workforce development needs related to information technology ·         Determine financial/budget implications STEWARD: DAVE SIEG 6.      Investigate ways to better support/nurture small businesses ·         Identify ways to improve small business assistance services ·         Examine ways to support/enhance Baesystems incubator program ·         Examine geographic focus areas for small business development: business parks, downtown, redevelopment areas, farmers market STEWARD: BOB ARRINGTON 7.      Develop ‘cutting edge’ web site to promote Kingsport on the Internet ·         Review learnings from other cities provided by Benchmark/Research Subcommittee ·         Coordinate with information technology subcommittee to determine best high tech features and most user-friendly format ·         Establish start-up and operating costs ·         Develop ongoing steward of the site as well as update procedures STEWARD: JOHN WILLIAMS 8.      Explore opportunities to enhance city recreation/athletic facilities that will also help attract sports tourism and conventions ·         Refine prior work of KCVB and City Recreation Department regarding this subject ·         Coordinate with Kingsport City Schools and City’s Recreation Advisory Committee to prioritize facility needs ·         Conduct a review of unsuccessful bids to host events and establish learnings in order to determine facility needs ·         Develop preliminary capital needs for inclusion in City’s 5-Year Capital Improvements Program STEWARD: JENNY SEGUIN 9. Recommend official economic development structure ·         Define structure and reporting hierarchy ·         Determine if “Certified Economic Developer” is necessary ·         Determine additional facility/image needs, if any ·         Identify budgetary needs and any other costs STEWARD: MILES BURDINE 10.      Adopt “Assumptions of Economic Development” (Tab #11 in Economic Summit book) ·         Review assumptions ·         Present to Triad Partners for adoption

6 Summary First Steps: Northeast State Technical Community College
Educate and Grow Scholarship Program Regional Center for Applied Technology, Downtown Kingsport Redevelopment Target Areas: Downtown, Green Acres, Stonegate Model City Coalition Plan IntelliThought (250 emp.), Barker Building ($3m / 250 emp.), Willamette ($450m) Private Sector: Lowe’s / Eastman Road / Modern Bakery / Schlotsky’s Infrastructure MeadowView Crossroads Entrepreneurial organization HPO / U.Va. Information technology MSAP / GigaPOP – Downtown Convergence Possible “First Steps” Stewards should recruit team members as necessary. A representative from each of the Triad Partners (City, Chamber, KEDB) should be a part of each team. 1.      Promote plan for Northeast State Technical Community College ·         Develop and approve tuition scholarship program ·         Develop downtown campus STEWARD: KEITH WILSON  2.      Investigate redevelopment opportunities ·         Establish committee to review redevelopment possibilities that both promote economic growth and add to entry level housing stock ·         Determine geographic focus areas (not limited to downtown) STEWARD: DAVE CLARK 3.      Identify infrastructure improvements necessary to promote economic development ·         Identify key development areas ·         Examine status of utilities & roads ·         Determine finance/budget implications ·         Examine non-City infrastructure, such as telecommunications, power, fiber optics STEWARD: JEFF FLEMING 4.      Develop customer-oriented, entrepreneurial organization that makes decisions based on principles/philosophy rather than rules ·         Develop principles/philosophy ·         Review city building and zoning codes, administrative policies, traffic engineering standards, tree/landscape policies, environmental regulations, gateway ordinance, historic codes, water/sewer policies, sidewalk policies, street lighting policies, etc. ·         Consider overlapping effect of multiple departmental policies and those of outside agencies (power, gas, phone, cable, etc) on development ·         Report on areas of potential flexibility ·         Identify rules/regulations that are “mandatory” and those that are “optional” in order to determine potential areas of discretionary decision-making ·         Review organization/mandate of Boards and Commissions ·         Bring along partners (“Triad”) Þ      City (inc. staff, boards, commissions) Þ      Chamber (inc. EDC, KCVB) Þ      KEDB STEWARD: RAY GRIFFIN 5.      Identify ability to support/nurture Information technology businesses ·         Review/report on all types of information infrastructure, including fiber optic availability, telephone, power, cable ·         Create a geographic Venn diagram illustrating areas of positive overlap in information infrastructure (thus implying a logical geographic focus to information technology efforts) ·         Review /report on workforce development needs related to information technology ·         Determine financial/budget implications STEWARD: DAVE SIEG 6.      Investigate ways to better support/nurture small businesses ·         Identify ways to improve small business assistance services ·         Examine ways to support/enhance Baesystems incubator program ·         Examine geographic focus areas for small business development: business parks, downtown, redevelopment areas, farmers market STEWARD: BOB ARRINGTON 7.      Develop ‘cutting edge’ web site to promote Kingsport on the Internet ·         Review learnings from other cities provided by Benchmark/Research Subcommittee ·         Coordinate with information technology subcommittee to determine best high tech features and most user-friendly format ·         Establish start-up and operating costs ·         Develop ongoing steward of the site as well as update procedures STEWARD: JOHN WILLIAMS 8.      Explore opportunities to enhance city recreation/athletic facilities that will also help attract sports tourism and conventions ·         Refine prior work of KCVB and City Recreation Department regarding this subject ·         Coordinate with Kingsport City Schools and City’s Recreation Advisory Committee to prioritize facility needs ·         Conduct a review of unsuccessful bids to host events and establish learnings in order to determine facility needs ·         Develop preliminary capital needs for inclusion in City’s 5-Year Capital Improvements Program STEWARD: JENNY SEGUIN 9. Recommend official economic development structure ·         Define structure and reporting hierarchy ·         Determine if “Certified Economic Developer” is necessary ·         Determine additional facility/image needs, if any ·         Identify budgetary needs and any other costs STEWARD: MILES BURDINE 10.      Adopt “Assumptions of Economic Development” (Tab #11 in Economic Summit book) ·         Review assumptions ·         Present to Triad Partners for adoption

7 Summary First Steps: Small business Web site development
Holston Business Development Center Web site development “Cutting Edge” site under development Sports tourism and conventions BMA / KCVB Sports Feasibility Study Economic development structure Scott Welmaker – redevelopment, commissioned sales, C.E.D. Assumptions of Economic Development The Essence of Strategy = allocation of limited resources to achieve maximum results Possible “First Steps” Stewards should recruit team members as necessary. A representative from each of the Triad Partners (City, Chamber, KEDB) should be a part of each team. 1.      Promote plan for Northeast State Technical Community College ·         Develop and approve tuition scholarship program ·         Develop downtown campus STEWARD: KEITH WILSON  2.      Investigate redevelopment opportunities ·         Establish committee to review redevelopment possibilities that both promote economic growth and add to entry level housing stock ·         Determine geographic focus areas (not limited to downtown) STEWARD: DAVE CLARK 3.      Identify infrastructure improvements necessary to promote economic development ·         Identify key development areas ·         Examine status of utilities & roads ·         Determine finance/budget implications ·         Examine non-City infrastructure, such as telecommunications, power, fiber optics STEWARD: JEFF FLEMING 4.      Develop customer-oriented, entrepreneurial organization that makes decisions based on principles/philosophy rather than rules ·         Develop principles/philosophy ·         Review city building and zoning codes, administrative policies, traffic engineering standards, tree/landscape policies, environmental regulations, gateway ordinance, historic codes, water/sewer policies, sidewalk policies, street lighting policies, etc. ·         Consider overlapping effect of multiple departmental policies and those of outside agencies (power, gas, phone, cable, etc) on development ·         Report on areas of potential flexibility ·         Identify rules/regulations that are “mandatory” and those that are “optional” in order to determine potential areas of discretionary decision-making ·         Review organization/mandate of Boards and Commissions ·         Bring along partners (“Triad”) Þ      City (inc. staff, boards, commissions) Þ      Chamber (inc. EDC, KCVB) Þ      KEDB STEWARD: RAY GRIFFIN 5.      Identify ability to support/nurture Information technology businesses ·         Review/report on all types of information infrastructure, including fiber optic availability, telephone, power, cable ·         Create a geographic Venn diagram illustrating areas of positive overlap in information infrastructure (thus implying a logical geographic focus to information technology efforts) ·         Review /report on workforce development needs related to information technology ·         Determine financial/budget implications STEWARD: DAVE SIEG 6.      Investigate ways to better support/nurture small businesses ·         Identify ways to improve small business assistance services ·         Examine ways to support/enhance Baesystems incubator program ·         Examine geographic focus areas for small business development: business parks, downtown, redevelopment areas, farmers market STEWARD: BOB ARRINGTON 7.      Develop ‘cutting edge’ web site to promote Kingsport on the Internet ·         Review learnings from other cities provided by Benchmark/Research Subcommittee ·         Coordinate with information technology subcommittee to determine best high tech features and most user-friendly format ·         Establish start-up and operating costs ·         Develop ongoing steward of the site as well as update procedures STEWARD: JOHN WILLIAMS 8.      Explore opportunities to enhance city recreation/athletic facilities that will also help attract sports tourism and conventions ·         Refine prior work of KCVB and City Recreation Department regarding this subject ·         Coordinate with Kingsport City Schools and City’s Recreation Advisory Committee to prioritize facility needs ·         Conduct a review of unsuccessful bids to host events and establish learnings in order to determine facility needs ·         Develop preliminary capital needs for inclusion in City’s 5-Year Capital Improvements Program STEWARD: JENNY SEGUIN 9. Recommend official economic development structure ·         Define structure and reporting hierarchy ·         Determine if “Certified Economic Developer” is necessary ·         Determine additional facility/image needs, if any ·         Identify budgetary needs and any other costs STEWARD: MILES BURDINE 10.      Adopt “Assumptions of Economic Development” (Tab #11 in Economic Summit book) ·         Review assumptions ·         Present to Triad Partners for adoption

8 “Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it – but sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor” Oliver Wendell Holmes

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