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Miscellaneous element changes
Simple Solution. Brighter Futures. Miscellaneous element changes July/August 2018 Presented by: Melissa Lemons
CONTENTS HB 7 – At-Risk Indicator Code Changes for SB 22 – Pathways In Technology Early College High School (P- TECH) SB 1143 – Intervention / Section 504 Title I Part A Services and Support Services
HB 7 – At Risk Indicator Code Changes for 2018-2019
HB 7, passed during the 85th Legislative session (2017), modified the criteria for identifying a student as “at-risk of dropping out of school”. Criteria 11 and 13 have been updated on the StudentExtension complex type. However, the actual definition criteria essentially remain unchanged.
HB 7 – At Risk Indicator Code Changes for 2018-2019
Criteria 11 has been updated to read with the correct state agency name: Is in the custody or care of the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services Department of Family and Protective Services or has, during the current school year, been referred to the department by a school official, officer of the juvenile court, or law enforcement official;
Criteria 13 has been updated to explain group home situations:
HB 7 – At Risk Indicator Code Changes for Criteria 13 has been updated to explain group home situations: Resided in the preceding school year or resides in the current school year in a residential placement facility in the district, including a detention facility, substance abuse treatment facility, emergency shelter, psychiatric hospital, halfway house, cottage home operation, specialized child-care home, or general residential operation or foster group home.
CONTENTS HB 7 – At-Risk Indicator Code Changes for SB 22 – Pathways In Technology Early College High School (P- TECH) SB 1143 – Intervention / Section 504 Title I Part A Services and Support Services
SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Background
SB 22, passed during the 85th legislative session (2017), requires the Commissioner to establish a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program for students who wish to participate in a work- based education program. LEAs wishing to offer the P-TECH program must apply to TEA for permission prior to officially offering the program. More information can be found on the TEA College, Career, and Military Prep webpage. PTECH is an open enrollment program that provides students the opportunity to complete a course of study that combines high school with post-secondary courses. Can earn a diploma, associate degree, two year post-secondary cert., work based training Gain work experience through an internship, apprenticeship, or other job training programs
To comply with the SB 22 statute:
SB 22 Pathways in Technology - TSDS PEIMS Changes To comply with the SB 22 statute: The E1612 – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the StudentExtension complex type to be collected in PEIMS Submissions 1, 3, and 4. Added business validations to support new element.
Definition: SB 22 Pathways in Technology - TSDS PEIMS Changes
E1612 – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE indicates that a student in grades 9-12 is participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) Early College High School program.
SB 22 Pathways in Technology – TSDS PEIMS Changes
Element ID – E1612 Data Element – P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE XML Name – TX-PTECHIndicator Code Table ID – C088 Length – 1 Data Type – CODED Pattern – # Submission – 1, 3, and 4 Mandatory – No
Business Validation Rule: 10020-0050
SB 22 P-TECH – Business Validation Rules (Additions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: For each campus registered with TEA as an approved campus to run a Pathways in Technology (P- TECH) program, there should be at least one student with P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE of "1", or else a warning will display for verification. Business Meaning: Each campus approved to run a Pathways in Technology (PTECH) program should report at least one student as participating in the program. Special Warning for Submissions 1, 3, and 4 Applies to Districts and Charters Explanation: LEAs that apply to offer the P-TECH program and are approved will be required to report participation at the student level.
Business Validation Rule: 40100-0168
SB 22 P-TECH – Business Validation Rules (Additions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE from student school association must be "09"-"12". Business Meaning: A student enrolled in the Pathways in Technology (P-TECH) program must be in grade level "09"-"12“. Fatal for Submissions 1, 3, and 4 Applies to Districts, Campuses, and Charters Explanation: Only students in grades 9-12 may be reported as enrolled in the P-TECH program.
Business Validation Rule: 40100-0171
SB 22 P-TECH – Business Validation Rules (Additions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: If P-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT from the student school association must be a campus approved to have a P-TECH program. Business Meaning: A student enrolled in the P-TECH program must have a TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment that is approved to have a Pathways in Technology (P- TECH) program. Fatal for Submissions 1, 3, and 4 Applies to Districts, Campuses, and Charters Explanation: P-TECH students will be verified that they are enrolled on a campus that is approved for the P-TECH program.
Business Validation Rule: 40100-0124
SB 22 P-TECH – Business Validation Rules (Revisions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then HOMELESS- STATUS-CODE must be "0", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR- CODE must be blank, MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT- CODE must be blank, T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank, ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank, and P-TECH- INDICATOR-CODE must be blank. Business Meaning: A student that is reported as not enrolled in the current school year must not be reported as homeless. TX-FosterCareIndicator, TX- MilitaryConnectedStudentIndicator, TX-TSTEMIndicator, TX-ECHSIndicator, and TX-PTECHIndicator are not reported for students not enrolled in the current school year. Reason for revision: If a student is identified as a leaver, then the P-TECH indicator cannot be reported.
SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A
Question: How does a LEA become a P-TECH school? Answer: In order to be designated a P-TECH school, the LEA must apply to the Texas Education Agency. More information on this process can be found on the Texas Education Agency’s website: College, Career, and Military Prep
SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A
Question: If a student moves from one school, where the student was designated as P-TECH, to another school that does not offer the P-TECH program, how should the student be coded? Answer: P-TECH coding only applies to the student if the school the student is enrolled in offers the P-TECH program.
SB 22 Pathways in Technology – Q & A
Question: Will the P-TECH indicator be used for students who were enrolled at any time during the school year? Answer: The P-TECH indicator should be reported for a student that was enrolled on the PEIMS Fall snapshot date for Submission 1, at any point in the year for Submission 3, and then if the student is reported in Submission 4 for a summertime program.
CONTENTS HB 7 – At-Risk Indicator Code Changes SB 22 – Pathways In Technology Early College High School (P- TECH) SB 1143 – Intervention / Section 504 Title I Part A Services and Support Services
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 - Background
SB 1153, passed during the 85th legislative session (2017), requires school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to report on students for whom the school used intervention strategies. An intervention strategy is a strategy in a multi- tiered system of supports that is above the level of intervention generally used in the system with all children. (TEC )
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 - Background
School districts and open-enrollment charter schools report on students under Section that received aids, accommodations, or services during the course of the school year.
To comply with the statute:
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes To comply with the statute: E1602 – INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR- CODE has been added to the StudentProgramExtension complex type. E1603 – SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE has been added to the StudentProgramExtension complex type. Business validations have been added to support the new elements.
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes
Definition: E1602 – INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR- CODE indicates that a student enrolled at the campus participated in an intervention strategy at any time during the school year. (TEC )
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes Element ID – E1602 Element Name – INTERVENTION-STRATEGY- INDICATOR-CODE XML Name – TX-InterventionStrategyIndicator Code Table ID – C088 Length – 1 Data Type – CODED Pattern - # Submission – 1 and 3 Mandatory – Yes, in both.
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes
Definition: E1603 – SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE indicates that a student received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year. (TEC )
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 TSDS PEIMS Changes Element ID – E1603 Element Name – SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE XML Name – TX-Section504Indicator Code Table ID – C088 Length – 1 Data Type – CODED Pattern - # Submission – 1 and 3 Mandatory – Yes, in both.
Business Validation Rule: 40110-000J
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Business Validation Rules (Revisions) Business Validation Rule: J Rule Text: For a Student Program, the following must be provided: TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, BILINGUAL-PROGRAM- TYPE-CODE, CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD, ESL- PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE, SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE, INTERVENTION-STRATEGY- INDICATOR-CODE, and SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE. Business Meaning: For a Student Program, the following must be provided: StudentUniqueStateId, TX-Bilingual, TX- CareerAndTechnologyEd, TX-ESL, TX-GiftedAndTalented, TX- SpecialEducation, TX-InterventionStrategyIndicator, and TX- Section504Indicator. Reason for revision: Intervention Strategy Indicator Code and the Section 504 Indicator Code are mandatory fields for enrolled students on the StudentProgramExtension complex type for Submission 1.
Business Validation Rule: 40110-000K
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Business Validation Rules (Revisions) Business Validation Rule: K Rule Text: For a Student Program, the following must be provided: TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL- ED-IND-CD, GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE, PREGNANCY- RELATED-SERVICES, SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE, INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR-CODE, and SECTION- 504-INDICATOR-CODE. Business Meaning: For a Student Program, the following must be provided: StudentUniqueStateId, TX- CareerAndTechnologyEd, TX-GiftedAndTalented, TX- PregnancyRelatedSvcs, TX-SpecialEducation, TX- InterventionStrategyIndicator, and TX-Section504Indicator. Reason for revision: Intervention Strategy Indicator Code and the Section 504 Indicator Code are mandatory fields for enrolled students on the StudentProgramExtension complex type for Submission 3.
Business Validation Rule: 40110-0186
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Business Validation Rules (Additions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: At least one student program should have a SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE of "1". Business Meaning: There should be at least one student that has received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Special Warning for Submission 1 and 3 Applies to Districts, Campuses, and Charters Explanation: This rule verifies that at least one student is reported as Section While all schools may not have Section 504 students, many schools will.
Business Validation Rule: 40110-0188
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Business Validation Rules (Additions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: INTERVENTION-STRATEGY-INDICATOR- CODE and SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE should not both be "1". Business Meaning: A student should not be identified as both having participated in an intervention strategy and having received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Special Warning for Submission 1 and 3 Applies to Districts, Campuses, and Charters Explanation: A student should not be reported as both having participated in an Intervention Strategy and as Section 504.
Business Validation Rule: 40110-0187
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Business Validation Rules (Deletions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: If DYSLEXIA-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1". Business Meaning: A dyslexic student should be identified as having received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Rule has been deleted for the school year. This change occurred in the TEDS Addendum
Business Validation Rule: 40110-0189
SB 1153 Intervention / Section 504 Business Validation Rules (Deletions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: If SECTION-504-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE should be "0". Business Meaning: A student who has received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of should not also be reported as participating in Special Education. Rule has been deleted for the school year. This change occurred in the TEDS Addendum
CONTENTS HB 7 – At-Risk Indicator Code Changes SB 22 – Pathways In Technology Early College High School (P- TECH) SB 1143 – Intervention / Section 504 Title I Part A Services and Support Services
Title I Part A Services and Support Services Reporting Changes
Title I Part A Services is collected as a requirement by the United States Department of Education. Due to a change in federal data reporting requirements, the seven Title I services will no longer be reported to the Texas Education Agency starting in the school year.
Title I Part A Services and Support Services Reporting Changes
Title I Part A Services and Support Services Reporting Changes
PEIMS Element ID Data Element XML Name XML Simple Type Name 1 M 2 3 4 Len Data Type Code Table ID StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation Complex Type ** Reference Complex Type StudentReference StudentReferenceType Y 9 CODED Complex Type StudentIdentity StudentIdentityType E1523 TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID StudentUniqueId UniqueStudentIdentifier 10 NUMERIC EducationalOrganizationReference EducationalOrgReferenceType 6 EducationalOrgIdentity EducationalOrgIdentityType E0212 DISTRICT-ID StateOrganizationId IdentificationCode StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type E0782 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment TX-CampusId E0894 TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE TX-TitleIPartAIndicator TX-TitleIPartAParticipantType C122 E0894 – TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is still reported but all other services and supports for the StudentTitleIPartAProgramAssociation complex type have been removed for the school year.
Title I Part A Business Validation Rules (Revisions)
Business Validation Rule: B Rule Text: For a Student Title I Part A Program Association the following must be provided: DISTRICT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT- ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and TITLE-I-PART-A- INDICATOR-CODE. Business Meaning: For a Student Title I Part A Program Association, the following must be provided: StateOrganizationId (EducationOrganizationReference), StudentUniqueStateId, TX-CampusIdOfEnrollment, and TX- TitleIPartAIndicator. Reason for revision: Removed TITLE-I-PART-A-READING- INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-MATHEMATICS-INDICATOR- CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SCIENCE-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART- A-SOCIAL-STUDIES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A- GUIDANCE-COUNSELING-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I- PART-A-SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I- PART-A-HEALTH-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE since they were retired for the school year.
Business Validation Rule: 41461-0005
Title I Part A Business Validation Rules (Revisions) Business Validation Rule: Rule Text: If TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "6", then TITLE-I-PART-A-READING-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART- A-MATHEMATICS-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A- SCIENCE-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL- STUDIES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-GUIDANCE- COUNSELING-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PARTA- SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, and TITLE-I- PART-A-HEALTH-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE must indicate the student is not receiving services. Business Meaning: If a student attends a campus that offers the Title I, Part A schoolwide program, then none of the Title I, Part A instructional and support services can be specifically reported. Reason for deletion: Data elements associated with the rule have been retired for the school year.
Title I Part A Business Validation Rules (Revisions)
Rule Text: If TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "7", "9" or "A", then at least one of TITLE-I-PART-A-READING- INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-MATHEMATICS- INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SCIENCE-INDICATOR- CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-STUDIES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-GUIDANCE-COUNSELING-SERVICES- INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-WORK- SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, or TITLE-I-PART-A-HEALTH- SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE must have a value of "1". Business Meaning: If a student is participating in the Title I, Part A program under "targeted assistance", "services for the neglected", or "services for the homeless", then the specific Title I services provided for the student must be reported. Reason for deletion: Data elements associated with the rule have been retired for the school year.
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