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Tour of OWASP’s projects

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1 Tour of OWASP’s projects
Jason Li & Dinis Cruz (remotely) , August 16, 2008

2 OWASP Tools and Technology
Vulnerability Scanners Static Analysis Tools Fuzzing Automated Security Verification Penetration Testing Tools Code Review Tools Manual Security Verification ESAPI Security Architecture AppSec Libraries ESAPI Reference Implementation Guards and Filters Secure Coding Reporting Tools AppSec Management Flawed Apps Learning Environments Live CD SiteGenerator AppSec Education In terms of OWASP Tools and Technology, our coverage is a bit spotty, but we’re actively working to remedy that. We have a lot of tools for automated verification, but we lag behind the commercial tools a bit here. We have 3 SoC projects to build better static and dynamic tools, so look for some advances here. Our manual verification tools are quite good, with WebScarab listed as one of the most popular security tools anywhere. In the security architecture area, we do not have a lot of tools or technology, although the Enterprise Security API is an important part of this key area. We have a number of tools to encourage security coding, including several appsec libraries and many guards and filters. Our appsec management tools are fairly weak, although the OWASP Report Generator shows some promise And in the AppSec Education area, the WebGoat tool has been very successful, although this region is yellow because we can and should do more in the education areas.

3 OWASP Body of Knowledge
Guidance and Tools for Measuring and Managing Application Security Guide to Application Security Testing and Guide to Application Security Code Review Verifying Application Security Managing Application Security Guide to Building Secure Web Applications and Web Services Core Application Security Knowledge Base Projects Chapters AppSec Conferences Application Security Tools Acquiring and Building Secure Applications Tools for Scanning, Testing, Simulating, and Reporting Web Application Security Issues AppSec Education and CBT Research to Secure New Technologies Research Projects to Figure Out How to Secure the Use of New Technologies (like Ajax) Principles Threat Agents, Attacks, Vulnerabilities, Impacts, and Countermeasures OWASP Community Platform (wiki, forums, mailing lists) Web Based Learning Environment and Guide for Learning Application Security OWASP Foundation 501c3

4 Top level view

5 There are a lot of OWASP projects

6 OWASP projects by numbers
Total Projects: 88 (34 with SoC Grant) Tools: (16 with SoC 08 Grant) Documentation: 32 (12 with SoC 08 Grant) Technologies: 9 (2 with SoC 08 Grant) Activities: 5 (4 with SoC 08 Grant)

7 Documentation projects

8 Activities, Technologies

9 Tools

10 SoC 08 projects – 126,000 USD in Grants

11 10 Projects you should know about

12 1) OWASP Top 10 (Release Quality)


14 2) OWASP Testing Guide v2 (Release Quality)

15 3) Legal Project (Release Quality)


17 4) Code Review (Beta Quality)

18 Code review is currently under a SoC 08 grant

19 5) EASPI (Beta Quality)

20 6) ADSR (Beta Quality)

21 7) Web Goat (Release Quality)

22 8) OWASP Encoding Project (Beta/Release Quality)

23 9) WebScarab (Release Quality)

24 10) OotM - OWASP on the Move (Release)

25 OotM Marketplace

26 Questions and Answers

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