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Collision diameter The closest distance of approach between the centres of the molecules taking part in a collision is called collision is.

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1 Collision diameter The closest distance of approach between the centres of the molecules taking part in a collision is called collision is usally represented by σ. σ

2 Collision Number and Collision frequency
The no of collision which a single molecules makes with other molecules in one second is called collision number. On the basis of kinectic theory of gases,it can be shown that in gas containing n identical molecules per cm3,the no of collision which a single molecules will undergo with other molecules in one sec is given by Nc =√2πνσ2n Where v=average velocity of the gas molecules in cm per sec σ=molecular diameter in cm n=no of molecules/cm3

3 Movement of molecules A assuming other molecules to be stationary
Consider a particular molecule A moving in a particular direction .if average speed of the molecule is v cm/sec,I twill travel a distance of v cm in one second.if only A is supposed to move and all other molecules are supposed to be stationary, A will collide in 1 sec with all the molecules whose centres lie within the cylinder of length v cm and radius equal to molecular diameter σ as shown in fiqure.

4 Types of molecular collisions
(a) (b) (c) Relative velocity=0 Relative velocity=2v Relative velocity=√2ν

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